Recent content by Maranguape

  1. M

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    Hi Rstrats, I am sure you are aware that Jesus was a Jew and, as a Jew, he would never contradict the Word of God in his own gospel aka the Tanach. Resurrection is not a doctrine in the Tanach. Rather the opposite is true that, once dead, one will never return from the eternal home of the dead...
  2. M

    14 Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus Is Not God

    Neither do I feel so lonesome too. I thought I was the only Jew around. But hey! When Elijah complained that they had killed all the Prophets, HaShem proved to Elijah that He had more than 7,000 from among the true prophets who had not bent their knees to Baal.
  3. M

    Do you know where you will spend eternity?

    In Sheol aka the grave. Evidence for what I have said is to be found in Psalm 49:12,20. I not only believe but also I am sure of this as a fact because I trust the truth of the Tanakh aka the Word of HaShem which says that all those who pass away are taken to the eternal home of the dead. Hence...
  4. M

    This Life and the Next

    If you read the quotes I put down as evidences to my assertion, it makes irrelevant to consult another religion or their sacred book for that matter. They all have their own way to pray. Even the NT, they have their own way to pray, if not to Jesus, in the name of Jesus. And that's beyond the...
  5. M

    This Life and the Next

    No, I have not; and I am not into the mood to experience a different Philosophy other than Biblical Phylosophy. I think you are on the wrong forum.
  6. M

    This Life and the Next

    There is no such things as soul-beings. The soul is gone after the body goes back to the dust and the breath of life returns to God Who gave it to the body. I see your post above as a parable or allegory which can be understood only through metaphorical interpretation. However, any...
  7. M

    This Life and the Next

    Okay Bhaktajan, can you point to an evidence of a place in the afterlife wherefrom we continue living? Then, you contradict yourself by agreeing with the Tanach that death is forever. (Psalm 49:12,20) I have never seen anyone who has died and continue forever repeating this experience. This that...
  8. M

    Do we all pray to the same God?

    As long as we are alive, that is, with the breath of life, we are souls. That's what the Tanach says in Genesis 2:7, when the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul. Since becoming is to be and not to have, we are...
  9. M

    This Life and the Next

    There was no life before one was born, neither there will be another after one is dead. As I have said before, this life is the only one we have to live. So, we better do the best we can to enjoy it.
  10. M

    Do you know where you will spend eternity?

    Where to spend eternity if I were to die today! In Sheol which is called the grave according to the Tanach and Logic. If you want an evidence for what I am saying, take a look at Psalm 49:12,20.
  11. M

    This Life and the Next

    That's okay Aussie, on the other hand, I am not discussing religion either but Logic according to the Scriptures. I am not a religious person myself.
  12. M

    Do we all pray to the same God?

    Listen Yessy, are you implying that God was separated from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Well, they were not atoned for in Christ. They never even heard about Jesus and the power his blood shed on the cross exerted, according to your claim. BTW, if you ask me, historically, the reason Jesus died on...
  13. M

    This Life and the Next

    What I see is that Isaiah 26:13 mans that only the living can make mention of God's name and praise His Name. Oppressing the Jews or not, even their memory will be forgotten. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6) The power of every one who has passed away, passes away with him. The Power of David passed away...
  14. M

    different between reincarnation and transmigration of souls??

    You have all the right in the world to understand Scriptures the way you please; even to the opposite of what is written. What entered the body when the Lord breathed into man's nostrils was the breath of life and I can prove it to you. Now, that the soul was an independent entity that entered...
  15. M

    different between reincarnation and transmigration of souls??

    Genesis 2:7 and Ecclesiastes 12:7 is where in the Scriptures we have what I said. The life force of the body is otherwise in the combination of the breath of life with the body. Once that combination is broken with death, the life source of the body is gone. I am just using Logic to be...