Recent content by possibility

  1. P

    Progressive Revelation...

    Interesting discussion. Looks to me like it's circled back around to Wil's OP eventually. Progressive Revelation appears then to have a two-fold understanding in Ba'hai: firstly that Ba'hai itself is formed, at least, from what they claim is the highest revelation, being the more recent...
  2. P

    The Bible as a Novel

    I wonder what is it that supposedly exempts sacra doctrina from standard critiques? What is this hierarchy or class distinction of literature really based on, and why does it render texts such as the bible supposedly untouchable? Am I to understand, Thomas, that you have personally read the...
  3. P

    The Bible as a Novel

    It would be more a collection of novels, poetry anthologies and letters. Having read the article, I don't think the author meant the whole bible as a single novel, but each book. I agree this has merit. I'd also still keep the chapters, maybe, but definitely not verse numbers - it defeats the...
  4. P

    Is the world the best it's ever been ... and why?

    Wil and Thomas, I always seem to find your discussions so interesting - I'm inclined to agree with both of you at different times throughout. I've been quite fond of rose-coloured glasses, myself. I was buoyed by the belief that humanity was on its way to something amazing - that we had...
  5. P

    A Response to Spong's 'Twelve Points for Reform'

    Wow. I missed a lot of discussion. While I understand your anger, Wil, I don't subscribe to it, personally. As far as I'm concerned I haven't left the Catholic church, because I am buoyed by what I see as a gradual progression towards a clearer and more universal understanding of God...
  6. P

    A Response to Spong's 'Twelve Points for Reform'

    Thanks, Thomas, for what on first read is a very comprehensive summary of Spong's theology, and some thoughtful commentary from a theologian's perspective. I am interested in rereading this in terms of how I articulate my faith perspective. I will make two initial observations. Firstly, the...
  7. P

    The concept of 'salvation'

    Thank you to everyone who has offered their perspective on salvation. I am processing it all... That's a good question, ACOT - one I've been asking myself a lot lately. Maybe it is the familiar language that keeps me here, to some extent. Despite where I'm going with it, I still feel most...
  8. P

    The concept of 'salvation'

    Hi wil, and thanks for your perspective. I follow your concept that heaven and hell are more a matter of perspective in this life, and that our focus on fear in particular, as well as other physiological responses to our environment, keep us from developing an awareness of God in all life and...
  9. P

    The concept of 'salvation'

    I'm going to declare my profound ignorance here. I was raised Catholic, and never really thought much about this Christian idea of 'salvation', especially since my belief in 'heaven' and 'hell' as places went by way of Santa Claus. Lately I have been trying to get my head around it, but it...
  10. P

    A Response to Spong's 'Twelve Points for Reform'

    First of all, I'm not going to make apologies for interview comments made by Spong nearly two decades ago. There is a distinct difference in my book between his 12 theses and his immediate reaction to comments or questions posed in an interview. I'm not going to defend Spong the man, his ability...
  11. P

    Truth about Religious Texts

    Personally, I've understood names, words and numbers to be human constructs, formulated to communicate or symbolise what couldn't be physically demonstrated. So I find it strange when people look for spiritual significance or power in words and especially numbers in their search for the truth...
  12. P

    Can We Unite With All Our Differences & Peacefully Coexist In the World?

    'Logos', according to my understanding of it, refers to a form of outward or tangible expression for an internal or abstract understanding. The original Greek word 'logos' meant ground, expectation or proportion as well as plea, opinion, account, reason, speech, word or discourse. Logos later...
  13. P

    Can We Unite With All Our Differences & Peacefully Coexist In the World?

    Thank you Thomas for your response. There is a lot to process, and I find my thoughts on God to be vastly different from yours, which should make for some interesting discussions. It may take time for me to adjust to a more respectful dialogue than I've been used to of late, so bear with me if...
  14. P

    Can We Unite With All Our Differences & Peacefully Coexist In the World?

    So are you saying that we should continue to insist that Christianity (ie. whichever denomination you belong to) is the only true religion, because at the end of the day one of us will be proved right, and the rest will be destroyed? That any 'melting together' or unity of religious ideologies...
  15. P

    Can We Unite With All Our Differences & Peacefully Coexist In the World?

    Hi Thomas Thanks for the commentary. I have been reading many of your posts around this site, and your discussions with wil in particular have intrigued me. I was raised Catholic and work within a church community, where I am tentatively encouraged to both deepen and discuss my faith, to read...