Recent content by jaybird

  1. J

    Ethiopian Christianity...

    they were one of the few churches that wasnt influenced by rome. probably a more pure form of the faith.
  2. J

    14 Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus Is Not God

    if Jesus was the Most High who was He praying to?
  3. J

    Can you believe in reincarnation & still be a monotheist?

    Origen was for sure hard to read, i remember him being the one teaching rebirth into other worlds similar to this one. was Plato a bad guy? wasnt Plato and many of those other greek schools doing exactly what Jesus taught, ask seek, knock? was Arius a bad guy? he questioned a man made doctrine...
  4. J

    Can you believe in reincarnation & still be a monotheist?

    most all the Jewish sects in the days of Jesus and the 12 believed in pre existence. with exception to sadduccees who only believed in the physical world. Essene Jews taught a form of reincarnation. Origen, one of the early church fathers taught reincarnation. Jewish and Christian mystics...