Recent content by Niblo

  1. Niblo


    Like all Benedictines, Cistercians do not take a 'Vow of Silence', they have a 'Rule.' Here's a joke I heard when with the Cistercians at Mount St Bernard Abbey, in Leicestershire: Every Easter, our Novice Master permits one of his charges to say a few words about life in the Community. 1st...
  2. Niblo

    Bible Scholars of Many Kinds

    I have three of his books: 'Are Yahweh and El Separate Deities in Psalm 82 and Deuteronomy 32?' 'The Divine Council in the Pentateuch: A Conference Paper.' 'Does Divine Plurality in the Hebrew Bible Demonstrate an Evolution from Polytheism to Monotheism i Israelite Religion?' Thought...
  3. Niblo


    A very Happy New Year to each of you 🙏
  4. Niblo

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year <3

    Many thanks. And the same to you, Hermes Blessings.
  5. Niblo

    Happy Winter Solstice!

    Which means my wife will want the grass mowed, the shrubs pruned, and the patio scrubbed. Oh woe and lackaday 😫 Happy Solstice to all 👍
  6. Niblo

    Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

    I recommend two works: For general reading: ‘The Qur’an’, by Muhammad Abdel Haleem, King Fahd Professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. For serious study: ‘The Study Quran; a New Translation and Commentary’, by Shaykh Sayyed Hossein Nasr...
  7. Niblo

    Is Islam peaceful and a good religion for everyone ?

    Whose interpretation of the Qur'an are you reading? As for wishing you luck.......well....the more diligent - and well founded - your studies, the luckier you will be! 😉 Blessings.
  8. Niblo

    Muslims are Christian???

    That you did, lass. That you did. ;)
  9. Niblo

    A New Creation for our age.

  10. Niblo

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Not me! 🤪
  11. Niblo

    Terrorism and the forces of evil.

    Fair comment.
  12. Niblo

    Terrorism and the forces of evil.

    Save it for the Day. I'm not the one you will answer to. Any man who looks at a woman with lust in his heart is no better than an adulterer. You will recall who said this. Anyone who seeks to excuse slaughter is no better than the slaughterer. And yes, you have said enough.
  13. Niblo

    Terrorism and the forces of evil.

    Justice will come only at the Judgement. On that Day, and only on that Day, will folk be treated equally, and judged by the same law. May it come sooner rather than later.
  14. Niblo

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    I’ve not heard that one. Reminds me of the time I was Training Manager at Federal Mogul Powertrains Ltd, (then based in Bradford). We had a second year Electrical Apprentice, name of Anthony. His first year had been spent full-time at college – with Anthony coming to the factory only during...