Recent content by Bulletcatcher

  1. B

    Psychopaths seem to have free will

    You know when people claim the know something for SURE about minds I guess this might have less to do with them beeing atheist OR religious but with beeing nacricisticly in love with their reasoning capabilities OR beeing nacricistically in love with their reasoning capabilities. But here is...
  2. B

    Psychopaths seem to have free will

    It has long been argued that evil does not exist because psychopaths are born without empathy and are hence not really evil. This is not true. Psychopaths can choose if they want to be empathic or not - they just choose to switch empathy on for the wrong reasons...
  3. B

    Atheism may help some types of personality and destroy others

    Leaving religion might be good for extroverted persons. Extroversion often correpsondents to narcicism and religions that talk a lot about guild, modesty and things that are greater than you might not exactly be the narcicists cup of tea. But for emotionally vulnerable people (people that I...
  4. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    I think there really might be a route to disproof evolution if you can proof that true unecessary evil exist. And an unecessary evil would be to experience free will while it is not there and in reality good for nothing. Similarly you do not need a conscious experience of pain to avoid pain...
  5. B

    Matter as high-speed thought

    Classical free will even before determinsm had limits. Free will is only possible if you obtain information over a certain situation in time to be able to react. If a bullet is flying to you with close to light speed you will propably not be able to decide if you want to avoid it or not :) Now...
  6. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    From the start you have been asking questions about me, my motivation and you continue to speculate about it. My person is not what I want to discuss when doing philosophical thought experiments. I want to discuss the thought experiment I proposed initially.
  7. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    Frankly I have just lost interest to defend human dignity.
  8. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    I try to defend human dignity from a materialistic world view that sees humans as pure robots of genes directed by primitive instincts preprogrammed by evolution.
  9. B

    The fruit of good and evil and the mind as a process

    I see an analogy between desiring the fruit of knowledge about good and evil and trying to know good and evil by brain science. But I do not want to defend the science of neurology. To the opposite. I see something false l in applying what I call this "frozen" or dead concepts to something that...
  10. B

    The fruit of good and evil and the mind as a process

    A good god would make us gods if that would be good for us. I explained why it is propably not good (not possible to be all knowing more exactly).
  11. B

    The fruit of good and evil and the mind as a process

    The fruit of evil can be interpreted in two distinct ways: 1. Eating it shows evil intend in yourself (in the form of disobedience to god, but I would regard the nature of the victim as secondary for the following argumentation) - and he punishes you with death? 2. Eating it shows that you...
  12. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    Because I try to preserve human dignity I try to argue it it is outside of time and space. But I could need help here :)
  13. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    KnowSelf I do not exactly try to be good, I start with the premisse that the human soul is good, to see where it leads me to (and if it produces paradoxes). It is a philosophical technique. But I made a very haunting discovery this night: If the world is build to be amoral humans are by...
  14. B

    A comfort with death

    I see only two possibilities: either I am a product of nature, nature is ammoral (amoral equals evil to me) and hence everything that I am and that is alive is evil. If I do not feel this evilness I am a kind of drug addict living in an illusion created by some opportunistic chemicals in my...
  15. B

    On the impossibility of doing good

    If the soul soul is subject to entropy I must guess it will as well be evil. I constructed the hpyothesis of the soul soul in the hope that I can avoid this outcome that all souls are (to some degree) evil.