Recent content by Ella S.

  1. Ella S.

    This forum's quality dropped a lot since I first joined.

    This forum's quality dropped a lot since I first joined.
  2. Ella S.

    How Socratic Intellectualism Side-Steps the Is-Ought Problem

    According to Socrates, the wise will do good simply by virtue of their knowledge and wisdom. Initially, this is a notion that confused me, but now I think I'm beginning to understand it. Even if we came up with a "bad actor" who desired nothing but to benefit themselves, through proper wisdom...
  3. Ella S.

    What music are you listening to?

    Another new song that I enjoy so much that it almost feels like cheating, released in October 2021, "DIE." by Johnny Goth:
  4. Ella S.

    Is this a sign of things to come?

    Here's a good introductory site that was quite big a couple of decades ago and remains fairly influential: Of course, it does not cover all of the varieties of Satanism out there, but as the site itself explains, Satanism is highly eclectic and individual even...
  5. Ella S.

    Is this a sign of things to come?

    Many Satanists venerate Satan as a pagan deity, even as far as identifying him with figures like Set, Enki, Pan, or Loki. Plenty of Satanists have a private shrine where icons of Satan sit beside icons of other pagan deities. "Polytheistic Satanism," as popularized by Diane Vera, is essentially...
  6. Ella S.

    Is this a sign of things to come?

    They are occultists, not Satanists. Most occultists are Christian or Thelemite, with a variety of forms of Neopaganism behind them. Satanic occultists are quite rare, both in occult circles and in Satanist circles, since most Satanists are LaVeyan or Satanic Temple Satanists and view Satanism...
  7. Ella S.

    Hello everyone

  8. Ella S.

    Potential Evidence for the Possibility of God

    I will admit that I find these unconvincing. I meant if one could demonstrate dramatic effects beyond synchronicity under rigorous experimentation, essentially in a way that could be validated by science. These don't really give that. I appreciate the addition, anyway.
  9. Ella S.

    Scientific Proofs Authenticating GOD Is PERSONALITY and Physical Proofs of GOD's Living Reality!...

    I was explaining to someone (in another forum) that the double-slit experiment has nothing to do with consciousness, when a self-proclaimed gnostic atheist with a bachelor's in math decided to attack me, thinking that I was saying that it did have something to do with consciousness. Several...
  10. Ella S.

    The Urantia Book

    I do think courage and altruism are desirable, but I don't think any of the rest of these virtues are. Hope, to me, is an attachment to a possible (and perhaps even unlikely) future, which merely creates future suffering and rejects acceptance of the present. Faith is blind and it leads us...
  11. Ella S.

    Yellow Emperor's Scripture on the Hidden Talisman

    I don't understand why you bothered with this response. I already agreed that it's possible that all of these experiences are just different interpretations of one underlying truth. I just don't see any good reason to believe that.
  12. Ella S.

    Yellow Emperor's Scripture on the Hidden Talisman

    Those are all possible, but I have seen no evidence for any of them. I did search for it, for awhile, talking to monks of all sorts of faiths, reading tomes on the neuroscience of mystical experiences, debating with scholars with PhDs on studying mysticism across a variety of religions, etc. I...
  13. Ella S.

    The Urantia Book

    Same to you.
  14. Ella S.

    The Urantia Book

    And I hope you are rehabilitated and saved from your false religious beliefs
  15. Ella S.

    Epistemic Foundations of Theology

    Thank you for your contribution to the thread. Neither do I. As a matter of course, I don't find any beliefs to be irrational in and of themselves, only specific arguments. Well, as long as those beliefs don't violate one of the laws of logic, such as the Law of Identity or the Law of...