Recent content by Millerdog

  1. Millerdog

    This is my path and what I believe.

    God to me is more accurately called The Creator. Non-denominational. And revealed through science. But a personal God. One who can offer wisdom beyond measure
  2. Millerdog

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    I believe that God does not interfere in reality quite that way. God doesn't enable things but allows them to happen naturally. Or else it would not be real.
  3. Millerdog

    Are you afraid of interfaith?

    I personally believe what comes from my heart in relation to our Creator. And it has served me well for almost 30 years. And I am not afraid to grow and learn in my faith
  4. Millerdog

    Angels & Demons: Do they really exist?

    But something good usually bears good fruit. Seeing might be believing but shouldn't end there
  5. Millerdog

    If prayer works

    I believe God answers spiritual prayers in regards to our personal life. God is here for the individual
  6. Millerdog

    The gifts of God: the Heart; the Law, salvation by faith and love.

    it's referring to our consciousness
  7. Millerdog


    I think God can communicate to us through many means.
  8. Millerdog

    The gifts of God: the Heart; the Law, salvation by faith and love.

    I don't think rule over each other but rule over the other animals
  9. Millerdog

    What music are you listening to?

    Face Value. Phil Collins. On vinyl