Recent content by Vasu Devan

  1. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Yes so there must have been a language that was not learned but known by humans. Etymology theorizes on the Proto Indo-European language that all being spoke back then before splitting off into so many dialects. That would match the Biblical story of The Tower of Babylon. Ofcourse, I doubt that...
  2. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    And who taught the mother? And so on as we reach into the past.....until we come to the first speakers. Science preaches cause and effect so what caused the first speakers to develop a conceptual, semantic mode of convo unless a non-human was already speaking the language. Religion claims God...
  3. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Chimp language is very different from human. Yes, many animals communicate. None like human and the question is origin of human's. Scientists were even able to communicate directly with chimps by teaching them ASL. Still, required a teacher already knowledgeable in the language. So who/what was...
  4. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Yes @Aupmanyav they are. But the specific event that caused eukaryotes to evolve.i.e.prokaryotes gulping archaea and becoming buddies with it, has never been observed in the wild and is still not considered empirically proven. As for origin of human language, there is no proven explanation for...
  5. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    If you are willing to count fossil evidence as 'observable', then here is the record of fish to cat based on it: Early Fish: The earliest vertebrates were fish, which appeared around 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period Tetrapods: Around 375 million years ago, some fish evolved...
  6. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    this might be an example of fast macroevolution because from what the article is saying cichlid jaws have changed dramatically in a short period creating different species that are master-of-one or jack-of-all: The Extraordinary Evolution of Cichlid Fishes However the example you seem to be...
  7. Vasu Devan

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Theories are just beliefs based on the existing teachings. Much like what is claimed as a weakness of religion. For current key statements that exist as theories purely, how about: - The cause of gravity - The origin of human language - The ingestion of Archae that changed a prokaryotic...
  8. Vasu Devan

    A New Creation for our age.

    As much as I want to believe that, I don't think I can. The mind of Man may understand new things but cannot think differently. We will always have some of the territorial, greedy, self-praising beings who can use their nature to convince us to choose them as leaders of our world. Many people...
  9. Vasu Devan

    A New Creation for our age.

    Is the New Creation going to be any different from the Old Creation? The last major switch was Science replacing Religion as numero uno. It turned pretty much into a corrupt being too. Science was used by those in power to gain more power and wealth....just like religion was used. Now our world...
  10. Vasu Devan

    New thought?

    The Universalist Churches seem, to me, the ones doing the most to bring all humans into the fold of God irrespective of color, creed, gender, sexual identity et al. I don't know how well accepted they are by modern Christians though since I haven't really studied them. For me, when I started...
  11. Vasu Devan

    Absolute Truth

    Agree fully with that! The major powers are bumping heads and some newcomers on the scene are also flexin' an' posin'! The US, which became the strongest nation on Earth, through the practice of deception and genocide is now facing threats both within and without which means everyone is on high...
  12. Vasu Devan

    Absolute Truth

    @TheLightWithin Yes, you can verify a truth for the present. But we live in a reality that always has an uncertain future and our natural and created tools of information have limited spheres of access. The truths of scientific medicine in the past are very different from its truths today. Even...
  13. Vasu Devan

    Absolute Truth

    Pretty much on the dot. We can debate the yes/no aspects of practically anything in this reality, that we are all part of, to the end of human life itself. If everyone agreed 100% with each other all the time, the world would be very monotonous and devoid of interest. Possibly just like if the...
  14. Vasu Devan

    Absolute Truth

    I do not say that reality does not exist. A reality exists both in conscious waking and subconscious dreaming for all of us. It is known through experience. To see light, hear vibrations, touch matter, taste flavors, smell scents is not the same as determining their nature beyond the experience...
  15. Vasu Devan

    Absolute Truth

    One has to be aware of any data for it to become a truth or untruth in perception. If you are unaware of any data/idea/concept, it does not exist for your mind. You must have experience of it in some form related to a physical sense. The congenitally blind or deaf do not know what colors or...