
My Areas of Interest:
  • Hebrew, Koine Greek, Latin (and other cognate languages)
  • Translation
  • Exegesis
  • Septuagint Studies
  • Second Temple Literature
  • Early Christian Literature
  • God Calling and God at Eventide by The Author
  • The Poem of the Man-God (a Work on the Life of Jesus), The Notebooks: 1943, The Notebooks: 1944, The Notebooks: 1945-1950, The Little Notebooks, Lessons on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans, The Book of Azariah by The Author

The Valtorta Enigma
A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work
Mathematical and astronomical and meteorological analysis of Maria Valtorta's Work
The Current Juridic and Moral Value of the Index (with Maria Valtorta Case Study)
The Poem of the Man-God: Vols. I-V
"The eye of the soul is the will" — The Author


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