Recent content by heavensblade23

  1. H

    so whats Hell Like ?

    I believe hell to be remedial punishment only. One can only sin so much.
  2. H

    Signs of the Last Day

    It's interesting how in some ways Christian eschatology and Muslim eschatology match up, and in other ways they depart. For instance, the Christian antichrist is alleged by some to be one-eyed and without the use of one arm. It's speculated that this is the result of the head wound he will...
  3. H

    Why are Muslims so courageous?

    I think that would be a valid question as well.
  4. H

    Why are Muslims so courageous?

    I'm not a Christian, nor is the question directed at Christians. Why not ask Muslims themselves the question? To some degree this is because 'Jewish' is both a race and a religion. That depends on where you live. Here in the US we have a very broad concept of freedom of speech that allows for...
  5. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    I feel it's worth pointing out that Shiia Islam does not necessarily prohibit images of Muhammed. I've heard there are museums in Iran that display historically important examples of such images.
  6. H

    Why are Muslims so courageous?

    I hadn't even seen this thread when I posted mine, sorry for the dupe. I guess great minds think alike or something. ;)
  7. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    As another example, the wikipedia article on Muhammed used to have a reproduction of a medieval painting of Muhammed as the article picture. There was nothing disrespectful at all about the image itself, but it stirred up a huge controversy within wikipedia. Hundreds of muslims poured into the...
  8. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    I understand that perfectly. I'm just saying that some Muslims treat it like it's the end of the world when they feel someone is being disrespectful. If that newspaper had published disrespectful images of Jesus, it would have been forgotten about in a week and it wouldn't have turned into...
  9. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    No, sorry, I don't use sock puppets. :) Edit: Oh, I see why you said that. I didn't even notice someone posted a similar thread already.
  10. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    This isn't necessarily about the cartoons, which admittedly weren't in the best of taste. However, the reaction was way over the top.
  11. H

    Why are muslims so thin-skinned?

    The Muhammed cartoons in the Danish newspaper sparked worldwide protests and a few riots. Salman Rushdie had a death sentence placed on his head for writing The Satanic Verses, and again violent reprisals were promised when he was honored by the Queen. It seems to me Christians are much less...
  12. H

    Christianity - what do you really think about it?

    I don't dispute that. I'm speaking more theoretically.
  13. H

    Christianity - what do you really think about it?

    No, Jews are supposed to follow all 613 laws of their religion. The laws were given to the Jewish people to follow, not for everyone. The only code of conduct specified for gentiles is the Noahide laws. The Jewish religion is different than other religions in that there's not a universal code...
  14. H

    Christianity - what do you really think about it?

    Every Jew I've ever discussed religion with online has said gentiles are only responsible for following the noahide laws. There are only like nine or ten of them. Conversion is generally discouraged as well because "It's better to be a righteous gentile than a bad Jew."