Recent content by horiturk

  1. H

    Panoramic views of the Lotus Temple:

    beautiful,i'm not bahai but i really like their places of worship
  2. H

    Did Jesus Die?

    this is off topic,but brian you have one cool avatar
  3. H

    Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church

    if it wasn't for the weirdo celibacy thing i'd do it,LOL
  4. H

    believe of devil in sikhism?????

    satan in judaeo christian scripture is not actually the enemy,as on comparable footing with God. God created all things so something God created cannot possibly challenge him,i.e. he gives permission for satan to test job. now in zoroastrianism God has a dark side that is ahriman that will...
  5. H

    Muslims Against NYC Mosque Location

    i'm also sick of the word islamophobia,you dont use the word christophobia when describing radical christian silly
  6. H

    Life after death

    its all in the OT,shades,sheol,waiting for judgement etc.
  7. H

    The Cross, To Me

    i didn't say it belonged to anyone but since time immemorial it's been a pagan sun symbol,among other things....only recently did it become a symbol of death.
  8. H

    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    if i have to explain that statement then you should get out and talk to people more often
  9. H

    The Cross, To Me

    i appreciate your view of the crucifix,i have to disagree though. i've never liked the cross symbol being used as the symbol for christianity. the cross in itself is an ancient pagan solar-male-fertility symbol,and in the christ related context it is a symbol of his agonizing death. i believe...
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    the bible is about God,and contains some of God's words inspired or recorded from being "spoken" directly but God did not write the entire bible. At most God directly inspired people to record it but it wasn't dictated,as the Quran claims to be.
  11. H

    The Serpent in the Garden of Eden

    God knew when he created us what would happen,he knew what our intellect and curiosity would have us do. If he didn't know then he wouldn't be God,so yes he created finite,flawed beings.
  12. H

    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    because a large percentage Christians and churches are very far away from God and practicing real Christianity,I'd say that's why
  13. H

    Thoughts on God

    God is the creator of everything,God is spirit of pure energy,like electricity,but posesses limitless intelligence.
  14. H

    getting tatoos, piercings, etc...

    i didn't say God didn't care for us,but as far as getting tattooed i'm certain it's a non issue
  15. H

    Confusion about Mary

    I think those who deified a man are the lost ones..... acts 2:22