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  1. G

    Jesus-Neither Literal Son of God nor God

    You seem to have alot of information here, but the history you describe seems to be soiled with all sorts of personal and selfish interest. We have a scripture, "there is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death." Certainly, a wise man would choose otherwise. Secular...
  2. G

    Inclusive & Exclusive - Belief

    God does judge the heart, but true worshipers will worship God in truth and spirit! When you find a conflict between two different religions how do you determine which one is right? Is it possible that one is wrong and one is right? Would it not be dangerous to accept a false statement which...
  3. G


    Hmm, How would you explain the cells in Hitler or Stalin? If your premise is true, we could eliminate all the thousands of wars that have gone before. The question I have for you is God Holy? The second question ... What happened to the world and what happened to man to get us in this...
  4. G

    What do we know about God?

    Excuse me, I can't disagree more with your statement. Are you to limit God to one item in his Universe. You have made God into your image, not his. He is a spirit and God almighty. You have made him less than what he is and smaller than who he is. Where are you getting your information...