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  1. H

    Jesus not the Messiah because...

    My initial post was concerning why they feel that he must be of the seed of Solomon when Solomon forfeited his everlasting kingdom.
  2. H

    Jesus not the Messiah because...

    Dream, Oh I think I understand you now. You are saying that Christians have no right in telling Jews what their Scriptures mean, because it was given to them? That makes a lot of sense and that is why we have Jesus. He knew the Scriptures backward a forward, and he also fulfilled them. He...
  3. H

    Give me any statement .....

    I always love to quote Hebrews, regarding Christs divinity. Hebrew 1 (4)Being made much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance onbtained a more excellent name than they. (5)For unto which the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee? And again I...
  4. H

    Jesus not the Messiah because...

    I'm really not sure I understand what you are saying. What are we ignoring?
  5. H


    The Trinity is nothing that Christians just made up. As a matter of fact, God appeared in different forms even throughout the OT. He is often spoken of as being a Spirit, and often walking with and talking with people. A lot of verses also imply that God is not alone in heaven, he is often...
  6. H

    Jesus not the Messiah because...

    God promised Abraham: “In your seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 22:18). The Jewish faith regards Jesus as not being the Messiah because he is not of the seed of Solomon, I believe based upon this verse: I will raise up your offspring after you who shall come...