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  1. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    I am actually practicing very real self care. I can see how this can look to a world that has relied on religion to keep people in line and making babies, keeping society safe, etc. Stress and anxiety, and depression aren't what they used to. The Bible says the truth will set you free, and...
  2. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    Stranger my email is wolfmangk at gmail. Please get a hold of me if you can, it won't let me send you a PM. So tell me just how much of my spiritual experience I am supposed to stifle, and leave out? As far as I know even mentioning hell can trigger people. I left out the gore because it's...
  3. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    Okay so an atheist has removed my post about "Little girl" because it "Might trigger" someone. This is supposedly an interfaith place where we can talk about mystical things, however, apparently we're not really supposed to go that deep. Oopsie! She accused me of abusing my dog by not taking her...
  4. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    Thank you so much. I want to tell you how much your words mean to me. I want to tell you that you are ministering to me. Your words resonate with heavenly places. My creators says so. We are witnessing, and part of something never before born. We are at the cutting floor, if your journey only...
  5. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    I will endeavor to reply as I have time and energy, I am not physically well in this realm and every day is a struggle. Thank you for sharing my burden, it feels wonderful to not have to bear this alone. It is freeing me, leading to a cascade of revelations and knowledge. I am sitting by a fire...
  6. T

    Visions I have had, heaven, hell, fallen angels, and the sacred crimson thread

    I hesitate to post this in Christian, because a lot of this is not found in the Bible. I am not asking anyone to believe me. In fact, I am asking anyone reading this to go to their higher power for confirmation or denial. About 17 or 18 years ago I was willing to trade my salvation in Jesus...