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  1. R

    History of Christianity

    This is a contemptible excuse for deliberately misreading my post. Shame on you. I suggest you do not practise this on your tax return, however. This, again, is contemptible. Even less so to assume it was invented somewhere else, when the evidence is otherwise. How nice for you. Well...
  2. R

    History of Christianity

    I cannot believe that you are unclear that the point at issue is not the campaign of Crassus, about which I made no comment, but the cult of Mithras. Your post made claims about this, stated as fact, that the cult of Mithras originated from this campaign. This statement is not found in any...
  3. R

    History of Christianity

    The internet is a great blessing, because of the quantity of material that we can access at the touch of a key; but we must always be wary of material that is both controversial and unreferenced. Nonsense can spread as quickly as knowledge, and, when it suits someone's prejudices, faster...