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  1. spiritualbee

    Where is the pfotection

    If people become clumsy they say they have demons. And discriminate the person instead help the person. The the only thing that happens is an atheist saying it is only imagination. So for spiritual subjects you expect more protection and the knowledge how important that is Why do they call...
  2. spiritualbee

    Few protection

    I think that there is little protection coming from this forum. So I think I leave.
  3. spiritualbee

    Best singer of the world is also spiritual healing my soul body and spirit

    I said the best male voice in the whole world comes from India and it is even healing what I never felt with all the other voices in the whole world.
  4. spiritualbee

    Understanding esoterism

    What you mean with that? The good and the bad once?
  5. spiritualbee

    Under the nose of a king

    I THOUGHT you were trying to make a point.
  6. spiritualbee

    Do Christians really belief in The Bible God of Jesus Christ?

    You must first pray before you can read the Bible. The devil exists.
  7. spiritualbee

    Super intelligent beings.

    Absolute true what you say. One but only. I study rays. That is esoteric about the seven rays. There are seven ways to cure. One of them is praying. Every person seeks his way to cure. Sometimes hurbs work. What a person needs you also can find in someone personal horoscope. We respect all...
  8. spiritualbee

    Do Christians really belief in The Bible God of Jesus Christ?

    I don't know, I must ask Jesus Christ.
  9. spiritualbee

    Best singer of the world is also spiritual healing my soul body and spirit

    In India there is onety with politics, art, music, religion, science and philosophy. I like that. Why do we not the same. Protestants say the same as Boeddhists it must also be practist in what you belief in deeds and not just words. We never came that far. So only music and Hollywood music...
  10. spiritualbee

    Viking houses in Turkey

    I like to know if it is true if there are Viking houses from medieval in Turkey?
  11. spiritualbee

    Under the nose of a king

    Did you know that Dutch is our language not the name for our nationality. I understand many call our land Holland out of respect for Den Hague.
  12. spiritualbee

    Under the nose of a king

    Nose. So yeah I am from the Netherlands. What is wrong with the word nose?
  13. spiritualbee

    Understanding esoterism

    Truth and light are the same. Criminals want darkness. The highest job already exist. And that is the police officers. Our society is so advanced. You can inform the police officers or call it as Christians do a sin you on free will can confess. But it comes down to the same bottom line. Doesn't...
  14. spiritualbee

    Do Christians really belief in The Bible God of Jesus Christ?

    I think that is true. The Bible says for us not to be revengive. Our acts have results good and bad. And God intervent. Like when you pray it works.
  15. spiritualbee

    Do Christians really belief in The Bible God of Jesus Christ?

    JESUS christ said 'turn the other cheek'
  16. spiritualbee

    The meaning behind disdained

    For those who believe in stupidity in others and perhaps despise others. This needed a small little correction.
  17. spiritualbee

    Fear for transfer

    I would like to add that fear of telepathy leads in some people to schizophrenia with associated paranoia. Medicines, the right ones, suppress some symptoms. A doctor can really help. Don't wait for that. But learn to rise above your fears. By not letting them rule. Whenever I was in need I...
  18. spiritualbee

    Fear for transfer

  19. spiritualbee

    Fear for transfer

    721 / 5.000 Fear of telepathy and see the same word as in telephone. Tele means to transfer. There is nothing scary about it. Some abuse this fear. You could call it tele disorder. Fear of transfer. Just because of the abuse that is made. Do not show fear because then their plan will fail. So do...