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  1. D

    Drugs and spirituality

    Yes, we can't argue that "the world around us is made of chemicals". But it's only the part of the whole world, it's physical one. And it certainly has some touch to the psychical, but what kind of?.. It's impossible to develop spiritual when eating food. Even a child knows that. We may progress...
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    The testimony of the early church as toward the correct interpretation of our bible &

    Re: The testimony of the early church as toward the correct interpretation of our bib Whether we like so-called 'literal' sense or we do not, we must confess that the general understanding of this 'literal sense' is often based on contemporary epoch peoples live in. We can't find any literal...
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    Nirvana: a Theosophical perspective

    Nick the Pilot, I've got no time to read the thread now, so I can't partake in the discussion. I just wanted to do what I promised a couple of months ago. You said that I could give you an address of the electronic form of the theosophical paper, in where is situated the article I translated...
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    Nirvana: a Theosophical perspective

    Besides, our second object (purpose, in Russian tradiion) is to study different religions and philosophies. I think it'd be more useful to analize here some quotations from Sankhya, Vedanta, or maybe Hinduism and Buddhism texts. :)
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    Nirvana: a Theosophical perspective

    Is the G. Arundale a nirvani?! I'd never believe it. I quess, even Blavatsky wasn't a nirvani. Many mahatmas aren't nirvani... If he was not, then how can he know what really nirvana is? I just want to say that theosophy is an art of free-thinking. We shouldn't learn by rote different articles...
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    Theosophy's Origin of the Universe

    Although I'm in doubt... Theosophy became too dogmatic. How it is possible, for example, that here or there schools of theosophy are founded. How we can make a theosophist by studying??? It's horrible. The TS must look for the theosophists, but not grow them up. It's not only my opinion.
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    Theosophy's Origin of the Universe

    By the way, Nick I have no time but I wanted to point out: partially thanks to you I wrote a letter to the Adyar TS. They answered me and sent an Application. And namely you have given an impulse to me.
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    Theosophy's Origin of the Universe

    Hi Nick, I have no time, therefore don't think I'm rude, please - I just speak shortly. But post to post you keep on making taugh phrases that aren't meantioned to be rejected or denied. As a Russian student of Occultism, I must say - I feel like going far from theosophical (= technical)...
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    Which religion do you follow?

    TealLeaf is completely right there! Quotes from the Bible is nothing. I (and not only) wanted to hear some real explanation, instead of vivisection of my abovemeantioned words. I think this meagre discussion is over. We don't understand one another.
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    Which religion do you follow?

    Didn't you notice that Witnesses are too afraid not to get those spiritual "treasures"? I think Witnesses have no time to give a real help to the world, for they are too busy with personal 'saving' of their own souls. Yes, Witnesses know text of Bible well, but does it matter? The tree is...
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    Which religion do you follow?

    I would advise to Witnesses of Jehova to go and help people in need, instead of trying to protect their ridiculous doctrines, where nothing exists other than dogmas, nothing can be really proved.
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    Really?! Then, about 80% of the Earth populaion (especially teenagers) are zombies!!! Maybe you will advise where we - normal people - are to hide from them? I guess a real zombie has no free will, and not namely brains. It's a kind of hypnotism I think: a zombie does what he ordered to. His...
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    An Unlikely Universe?

    Personally for Tao Equus. It is incorrect to believe in a Creator. The epochs of blind belief in supernatural Creatures were gone long time ago. Christianity every day loses its adepts. Everyone can look around and see it's true. Yes, people are still singing on the streets at Xmas. So what of...
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    Thomas "who, or what, is it that reincarnates, exactly?" I would re-address this question sooner to Nick the Pilot, for he's the one who asserts again and again upon this strange statement (as if Buddhists reject soul). It's incorrect. And I agree with you, that in this interpretation of...
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    what God really wants?

    Thanks Quahom1. The Russian composition's the best. Grammar's on top. You quoted the Holy Scripture: "Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную." (От Иоанна 3:16) The words are translated this way ('cos I know...
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    what God really wants?

    "God aches for us to turn and look at him" Who told you that? You always keep on talking - God is omnipotent. Where's his omnipotence hidden? Why can't he change this world? It's not so difficult. He has only to incarnate (as He already did) and to open blind people's eyes. Why not?! And...
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    what God really wants?

    Mee, I see that you're very fond of this name, or just word, IHVH. You protect it so agressive and blindly that I've decided to say about an interesting book by Anna Kingsford, if I remember correct. Maybe the Witnesses don't read books without sectarian smell, but you will find many interesting...
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    what God really wants?

    It is bringing together millions of people of all nations, tribes, and languages. More are being gathered each year. Christians as I know are the most hating other viewpoints than any other religion or philosophy! You lie when say another. And I being a theosophist and Buddhist want to say -...
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    Supermassive Black Hole ... just over there ...

    Yes, it's all nice. But... In this 'black hole' theory there are a great deal of 'black' places as well. They say black star not to have any matter in its consistention. It's a ball of powers (of gravitation etc.). Yes, maybe in the hole there are weight, gravitation etc. How could the...
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    Supermassive Black Hole ... just over there ...

    People can't still say what a black hole is. If it exists in our galaxy or not, no one is sure.