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  1. D

    The Buddha teaches release from life?

    Well, well, well... It reminds me that old mystery - who was born earliea: an egg or a chicken? If we take a faint look at Buddhism, we'll see it's different from Hinduism very much. Even if we take Southern and Northen Buddhist Chirches as well. Even the latter - having got a thousands of Gods...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    But I don't think theosophy itself did it. I'd say it is a merit of that heroical woman bombed the world. Theosophical movement exists during 133 years already, but its today positions are far from perfection. They've got many problems. Now theosophy often equals with buddhism, and people...
  3. D

    Is Jesus the only way to God

    You wonder? I think I could say why. I think and believe that the christian world's full of fake-christians. Most of people just call themselves christians, knowing nothing of christianity itself. The Western world is infected with crimes, full with frauds and its only God is Money. People...
  4. D

    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    I could add to these truely words even more. You say "to most Americans", and I think - to most people in the whole world. Today, almost everyone heard about them (karma and reincarnations, or embodiment)! In Russia, Helena Blavatsky's books were forbidden to print due to communistic ideology...
  5. D

    What does "Satan" mean to you exactly?

    I perfectly agree with all of this criticism. These questions are unanswerable to all thinking people in Christian World. And I also think it's all the fault of theology. A thousand and a half of years christian priests were imagining something to make people shiver. In Mediaeval epoch, people...
  6. D

    Was King David Gay ?

    I know it, Alex. But even if David had any homosexual experience, we cannot blame him or laugh at him. Why? Because in the early days of history, there wasn't such antipathy to sex in all its possible forms. If you remember Sparta as well, you'll see they was as free as David in this...
  7. D

    Was King David Gay ?

    Jesus was the One with His Father, too!!!:confused: We're surrouned by them!!! They are everywhere! Enemies everywhere!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Hide, hide!!!:p
  8. D

    Why all the fascination with vibration?

    I do perfectly agree with Dream. And I'd like to advise people who can think to read books by Charles Hinton. It's a cycle of articles called "What Is the Fourth Dimention". They can be found in internet, I'm sure. They were written at the end of 19 cent., but they are on top of actuality. It...
  9. D

    General Introduction - What is the Hare Krishna movement?

    Sadhu are "saints". Don't say rubbish of what you know nothing! Please.
  10. D

    Common Sense Voices

    I'd say this "common sense" is very close to archetypes in our psychology. But it is more than archetypes. I think your 'common sense' takes part in other concepts also. It has already been worked out in books of theosophists, and in Indian philosophical schools. They insist on that the...
  11. D

    General Introduction - What is the Hare Krishna movement?

    Yes, it is partially so. Without a meditating practice it's difficult to notice that God is everywhere around. I speak about real feeling of God, and not about intellectual understanding. You, of cause, see that. It goes without saying. But being so aware of such things [those you've mentioned...
  12. D

    General Introduction - What is the Hare Krishna movement?

    Having read the Neemai's posts I felt different feelings. On the first hand, they look to have origin with Hinduism as was already noticed here. But the other hand looks very strange. I even can't say if it is humane... I find it difficult to say so. It's completely wrong to assert that...
  13. D

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    The Devil said "If you eat the apple you shall not die". So he said truth. She didn't die as I remember. And it occurs "he is" not "a lier". "Satan began his rebellion against God ,and it was the beginning of bad things" you say. Here, I'm both agree and disagree. If we look at Satan's...
  14. D

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    I am not going to discuss with many words the Devil theme. I have no opportunity to express all that I'd love to about this theme here. You prove, please: 1) who told you that Snake meant Satan? It wasn't called so in that place. 2) how can it be shown that "That original serpent was and is...
  15. D

    Is suicide morally or ethically wrong?

    Very good linguistic research. And, no doubt, "commit suicide" takes its origin from "commit a crime". I may ensure you that in several, if not in most, languages this analogy's usually saved. For ex, Latin "criminem committere", if I remember right, means the same. Polish phrase "popełnić...
  16. D

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    By the way, if I'm not mistaken in China they call dragons so-called "big people out from Himalayas". But not in sense of giants, only big with intellectual power. They call them Dragons of Wisdom. It makes me remind that Snake from Eden. He promised Eva that she with Adam will become wise...
  17. D

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    Ha-ha-ha! You've never lost your nice humour, Tao. Ancient nephilim (not nephilum!) would die when laughing! :) I'm not insist on the reality of nephilim. And I can't say if I'm sure of them, but archaeology says, ancient Scriptures say, ancient authors (e.g. Tertullianus) said. But to speak...
  18. D

    Race and Religion

    I'd like to notice one thing. And I strictly disagree with China Cat Sunflower to have said following: "I think that religion is a sub function of nationalism" It's just ridiculous to look at! Everyone knows each religion tries to become more and more widespread. So does Islam, Christianity...
  19. D

    Why 2 different accounts of creating man???

    If I'm allowed to, I'd say the folowing. It's difficult to say by whom was Genesis written. He wasn't Moses, because he couldn't describe his own death, right? But as I remember in the very end of the Moses's books he's described as a dead. It's another curious question, but I wanted to pay...
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    Mysteries of DNA

    Why? It's YOURS, dear gentleman. You opened this theme, "Mysteries of DNA". Help us to discuss mysteries, well.