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  1. citizenzen


    Watch out now! I got MAD posting skills, BABY! Not only do I make my points, but I convince people on the other side of the argument that I made their points as well. Jump back! I gots the voodoo! :rolleyes:
  2. citizenzen


    I'm glad you asked. Give them another few million years, and they might be able to chat on a computer... Tools used by primates Animals can be said to possess a level of cognition based upon their use of tools for problem solving, an endeavor previously considered the sole domain of humans...
  3. citizenzen


    What religion do monkeys practice? Scientist Finds the Beginnings of Morality in Primate Behavior Sorry the headline includes that dirty word, "scientist".
  4. citizenzen


    So you'll probably be throwing away your computer... car... refrigerator... electricity. Don't worry though... I hear telling stories by the light of a fire is pretty cool.
  5. citizenzen


    From a Buddhist standpoint I'd say give it 100,000 (give or take a factor of 100,000) lifetimes of practice. Don't worry. The time will seem to fly by.
  6. citizenzen


    From c0de... Here's some advice for you and CZ: Why don't you quote anything from your opposition and try to refute it, directly? Perhaps you missed these posts... #66 #75 #84 #88 #108 #109 But thanks for the advice.
  7. citizenzen


    I wouldn't worry about it. c0de's all pins and needles anyway.
  8. citizenzen


    I wanted to touch on this a bit more... in a less flippant manner than before. This view of how science sees the universe almost as a clicking clock is quaint and passé. I haven't read anything in the last ten years that describes the universe even remotely in these terms. Take the Big Bang...
  9. citizenzen


    Let me know when that happens. We'll have to have a celebration. :D And never have I ever heard any scientist claim "That's all there is." Doesn't religion suffer from this same handicap? Who are the people making that assumption? Are you sure that it's just not you who thinks that...
  10. citizenzen


    The point that I've seen people try to make time and time again is how science and religion are somehow equally bound in magic. And this I think is just ridiculous. Who here would drink a glass of water from a fetid stream if a holy man simply blessed it? The obvious choice is to drink...
  11. citizenzen


    Sorry... I'll cast my vote for science... with an understanding of its role. Want to know how many parts per billion of C02 is in the atmosphere? Science. The invisible man in the sky can't tell you. Want to send a rocket to intercept a comet traveling through space? Science...
  12. citizenzen


    I hope you're not talking about me... because I wasn't posing an absolute argument. You must be talking about that shawn dude. Frankly, I think he's absolutely divine. :D
  13. citizenzen


    It would appear "the angry one" has flown the coop. One less person to respond. :( But at least the mood will be brighter. :)
  14. citizenzen


    Hmmm... a little to conspiratorial for my taste. People can just be idiots... without any "reason" whatsoever. [wordplay intended]
  15. citizenzen


    To the layman it may be indistinguishable from magic. To the layman! But not to the scientist. If somebody saw bright light suddenly spring from a piece of glass, they might think it was magic. But Edison, who worked on the light bulb's development for years, building on the contributions...
  16. citizenzen


    Ummm... you both are trying to make them out as equal when they clearly are not. I won't deny that there is a "bit" of magic in science, but religion is based almost entirely on it. But nice try. Look on the bright side. While science will most likely always trump religion in the realm of...
  17. citizenzen


    Thanks for setting me up j23. :rolleyes: I thought we were talking about the subject in broader terms so I didn't nitpick your using 2,000 years as a general reference for long-term change. Ha-ha. You sure showed me. :rolleyes: Ha-ha.
  18. citizenzen


    Oh? Did they come out with new books? Last time I checked, Christians still read the Bible, Muslims the Qu'ran and Jews the Torah. Now I will agree that these religions have changed some over time and based on the culture in which they're practiced. But I think most adherents would be...
  19. citizenzen


    Science and religion have both been misused. But while science has advanced well beyond the understanding we had 2,000 years ago, religion is virtually indistinguishable. 2,000 years later people are still waiting for the second coming. Of course, if Jesus arrived tomorrow, it would render...
  20. citizenzen


    Unfortunately I'm one of those Americans who never learned a foreign language.