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  1. V


    At the risk of sounding precious, I think there is an important difference between the ancient mystical traditions in the Abrahamic line, and Esoteric, which I see as more of a New Age thing. (Am I right?) The point about the mystics is that they are all I think much more open to those of...
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    the most perfect way to live.

    I don't think it is a case of renouncing money or renouncing God. It is a question of what you put first. Most "westerners", IMHO, when it comes to the crunch, believe in money. That is, they take care of their house, their job, their car, their leisure etc, and then see what's left for God...
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    I wonder if there is any call for a forum for comparative mystical discussions. I'm thinking of Christian mystics, Sufis, and the Kabaala (spelling?). Should the Gnostics be included? Seems to me we have some interesting overlaps. Is anyone else interested in this stuff?
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    Forum User Guide

    Thank you thank you, nomadic fish slapper. I now know the innermost secrets. Zzzzz...
  5. V

    Forum User Guide

    Is there an instruction page on how to use the features of this forum? I still don't know for example what a buddy list is or what message tracking entails. cliff
  6. V

    On TV: The Trouble with Atheism

    Include me with the fence-denyers!
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    On TV: The Trouble with Atheism

    Just had a look at the link. Pity all the statements are rather simplistic. Not all believers have an unquestioning belief in sacred texts, for example. "Atheists say that people made god to explain what they don't understand"; perhaps - and one of the things they don't understand is god. To...
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    On TV: The Trouble with Atheism

    Sounds interesting, Snoop. People often forget that Hitler, Stalin et al were confirmed atheists. Caimanson, I think what you are describing is agnosticism, not atheism. Personally I'm getting a bit teed off with some mad scientist popping up his head or writing a book about no-god every...
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    I have known the sense of fear, a wild maddening fear, but God's love was the lifeline that helped me through. I'm sure that it was God who sent the fear and I got what I asked for - it did change me, for the better. I once knew someone who was converted by a hellfire sermon. She later learned...
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    Word of God

    I remember the first time I saw the great pyramid a Ghiza; I was going right past it in a minibus. When I was close up I looked out the window and saw something but I had no idea what I was looking at. It really is tremendously huge. When we'd travelled on I looked back and realised what I'd...
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    Word of God

    ... And then you discover that the opening of the Gospel of John is taken almost word for word from the Upanishads. That really makes you think. I'm sure there are many texts from ancient times to the present day that are inspired by God. And many that are not. This is the trouble with putting...
  12. V

    what kind of jobs do christians have?

    Christians should be coming to you for wisdom, Shadowman. You are prepared to give everything for the sake of others and you ask for nothing in return. If you are so full of love, that love will show you the way. I hope you enjoy the journey. -VC
  13. V

    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    I really meant "red" (subjective) not "electromagnetic spectrum" (objective). Another example: Russians don't see blue, because in Russian light blue and dark blue are two different colours. It is easy to dismiss an image of God if all you see is an old man on a cloud, or a violent guy hurling...
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    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    Lunar hamsters are one thing; the colour red is another. And yet there are people who cannot see the colour red. Does this mean it doesn't exist?
  15. V

    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    Yes in principle. I am familiar with the impossibility to prove the non-existence of something. (The three letters WMD spring to mind.) But to say that theists are positing God as an optional extra is to be drawn into the atheist world view before you begin. Theists view God an an...
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    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    You know, 17th, I can't believe you've been a member of this forum for a whole year and still post up this sort of stuff. You must have noticed by now that not all of us believe in life after death. And surely you must know that the Bible is not the only holy book, and that the Bilble is...
  17. V

    Apostolic Succession

    Are the people waiting at the bus stop an elite group? I think that if any of the disciples had given the impression that they were special they would have had short shrift from Jesus. And in fact they did (James and John). The case of the surgeon is quite different. The promise of being a...
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    Emerging Church?

    Dor As far as I know there is no single set of beliefs common to the "Emerging Church". I attend an Alternative Worship group which has loose ties with the local Anglican church. It is these various alternative groups that are being listened to by the present Archbishop of Canterbury, and...
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    Apostolic Succession

    Short answer: No idea. Longer question: Do you really buy this thing about apostolic succession? It makes me cringe. The implied message is that of an elite group who have some privileged relationship with the Almighty. In CS Lewis's book, The Magician's Nephew, Uncle Andrew was always saying...
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    Now that Halloween has been taken over by merchandisers as a commercial festival and we have to endure children and others in cute Tesco witch masks going around begging from house to house, is it too late to rescue this ancient celebration? I think the trouble started with the Church trying...