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  1. Amica

    Scientific Miracles From Quran

    Assalamu alaikum/peace to everyone! May I recommend the book by Dr. Maurice Bucaille "The Qur'an, The Bible and Science." Although he compares the two scriptures to emphasize that one corrects the other, he does mention many facts from the Qur'an regarding science and is worth a read. My...
  2. Amica

    Sheikh Imran Hosein's Interpretations?

    Assalamu alaikum, Friend- True. However, when one pays attention some (perhaps not all) of his interpretations are logical enough to make sense. I just do not know what to think of the Muslim Village and the Yajuj and Majuj interpretations.
  3. Amica

    To All Good Non-Muslims...

    Peace/shalom to all of you! I have been absent from this forum for a long while and may have missed a lot. However, I want to say that I wish all of you who are sincere and kind, respectful of our rights to stay diverse in our belief: lots of happiness,health and everything else good that a...
  4. Amica

    Great at Prophecy, Stink at Timing?

    According to my religion (Islam), there were thousands of prophets pbut that came before Muhammad pbuh. The Noble Qur'an states:"We have certainly sent messengers before your time: Some of these We have mentioned to you, and some We have not mentioned." (40;78). Also: “Indeed, we sent in every...
  5. Amica

    Were can I get a English translation copy of the Qur'an?

    I recommend you visiting the website below: You will get a free copy of the Qur'an, with English interpretation of the meaning in addition to various other valuable information.
  6. Amica

    Sheikh Imran Hosein's Interpretations?

    Has anyone listened to sheikh's lectures or read his books? Although I disagree with him about certain things, I think he has done a very good job to shed the light on the prophecies from the Noble Qur'an and hadiths. He gives the prophecies a more logical explanation. For example, when hadith...
  7. Amica

    Preachers Of Hate

    I constantly remind myself of the fact that these people are minorities among their own peoples. Thank God! Unfortunately, these badmouths are the loudest and they do lots of damage. Because of them, history keeps repeating itself.
  8. Amica

    Preachers Of Hate

    Serbs celebrate atrocities in Vukovar (Croatia) and Srebrenica (Bosnia). In the video, the adults and children are dancing to the song that goes: "Oh, Pazar-new Vukovar, oh Sjenice-new old mother is looking for her son, she went to general Draza asking: General, where is my son...
  9. Amica

    Eid mubarak!

    My good wishes were meant for Muslims and all the other people in the world, who want peace and to live normally with everyone else.
  10. Amica

    Eid mubarak!

    EID MUBARAK to all my brothers and sisters in Islam! I am wishing you peace, health, happiness and that all of you get to celebrate many more Eids! I pray to ALLAH SWT to grant to the poor sustenance, the sick health, refugees homes, to those in war--peace, unemployed jobs, to the orphans...
  11. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Thank you, donnann. There is no question about the fact that Muslims should ensure they are heard when protesting. However, we must keep in mind: a. Many Muslims in the West come as refugees or immigrants, and do not know the laws in the new country. Very often they come from places where...
  12. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Etu Mulku, Here are some links to Muslims protesting against terrorism: Muslim Protests Against Terror (mirror) - YouTube 'This Does Not Represent Us': Moving Photos of Pro-American Rallies in Libya - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire Millions of Indian Muslims Protest Terrorism...
  13. Amica

    A question for the Muslim delegation (please delete if it's inappropriate)

    Phyllis, Please visit this webpage: About Jihad - What is Jihad? Islamic Holy War? Muslims Killing Jews & Christians? You will find meaning of "jihad" there better than any one of us can explain it on this website. Jihad means a struggle against anything that is bad. You might be in...
  14. Amica

    Someone explain this to me

    Hi, My religion is Islam. What Islamic tradition teaches may shed some light to the question of the original post. According to Islam: a. Man was already unlike other creatures. God SWT gave man knowledge that even angels did not have. One example of this was given in the Noble Qur'an...
  15. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Bananabrain, Why is it not right for Muslims to deny someone is a Muslim if they do something contradictory to the islamic teachings, but it is OK to do for other followers of the faiths? Yes, Muslims have lots to face up and lots of things to change within their communities, but so do others...
  16. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Etu Mulku, Thousands of Muslims have condemned the attacks. What more do you want people to do? I do not see the outrage about 1 million murdered Iraqis for the past 10 years, and mind you, the war with Iraq IS NOT justified. What should Budhists do, then, about their genocidal attacks on...
  17. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Etu Malku, Like non religionists, or followers of polytheistic faiths, monotheists have screwed up many times. Sadly. :( In regards to islamic scripture--Qur'an, it NEVER once speaks of "holy" wars. In fact, Qur'an says of war as unnecessary evil. The concept of "holy" war within Muslim...
  18. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Boston Muslim community have expressed solidarity with the rest of Americans in Boston against the terrorist attacks: Boston mosque cancels Friday prayer, condemns terrorism) And further a collective...
  19. Amica

    Boston Bombers Muslim??

    Hi, peace! This is the ayat (verse) that I think explains what many Muslims believe: The Noble Qur'an: "Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes. In fact Allah loves the equitable." Surah 60...
  20. Amica

    Preachers Of Hate

    Pamela Geller, a publicly declared Islam-hater, might be closest example of an evidence of Zionist anti-Muslim propaganda and movement. "Zionist" being someone with strong nationalistic views. Of course, we have seen what nationalism can do to people: the Balkans in 1990s demonstrates such.