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  1. Amica

    Srebrenica (Bosnia) and New York City (USA)

    The two places are different in many ways: culture, traditions, languages, size, geographical location. However, they share something in common: 1. Both witnessed great tragedies. 2. Both are battling to prevent building of worship places near the tragedy sites. July 11, 1995 Srebrenica...
  2. Amica

    Why limit art?

    Hi, Some might say pork is tasty, yet we still do not eat it. The point is, Muslims are not supposed to do art (even though many do) from religious stand point. The Noble Qur'an does not specifically mention it, but it is in the Holy Bible (OT). And in Islam, we are instructed to believe the...
  3. Amica

    Past Life/Reincarnation Question?

    Hi everyone, By nature, I am very curious person. Hence, my interest in many things. Although my religion does not teach the belief in reincarnation, I have an open mind. Recently, I purchased Dr. Weiss' book "Mirrors of Time" and tried the CD for my anxiety issues. I had two brief visions...
  4. Amica

    Study Koran?

    Hi/Peace/Salaam-- Please check this source as well. It is Qur'an Tafsir and helps English speakers understand the Holy Qur'an better. Visit: Tafsir Ibn Kathir - Quran Tafsir - Surah / Chapter Index Page
  5. Amica

    Study Koran?

    You're welcome, Dwest. The website has some links to videos where you can listen to sheik Shabbir answer questions to some of the most discussed and debated issues related to Muslims and Islam.
  6. Amica

    is Allah transcendental

    Hi, I am not a scholar of Islam, but I am a Muslim. In Islam, when one talks about a "person" this is about a human being. Also, Islam teaches that Allah SWT is above ALL His creations and therefore cannot be identified as a "person." However, this does not mean that Allah SWT is not closely...
  7. Amica

    "Honor" killings vs. Islam

    I personally think that those murders are killings of pride. People kill a wife, daughter, fiancee--because their pride is hurt. And pride in Islam is considered satan's characteristic. In the West, there are also honor killings committed. The Westerners call those "crimes of passion." For...
  8. Amica

    "Honor" killings vs. Islam

    Please view the video by sheik Shabbir Ally, one of the islamic scholars on the issue of "honor" killings and whether Islam teaches this practice: Honour Killings vs Islam - YouTube
  9. Amica

    Study Koran?

    Hi again, Below is the link to the website of Shabbir Ally, one of the scholars of Islam. You can get a guide to the Noble Qur'an, as well as the Qur'an, for free, in an email. ? Home of Let the Quran Speak A
  10. Amica

    And When the Leaders Are Worst Than the People They Lead...

    Hi Radarmark, You are right in much what you said. The issue is not about how physically or culturally alike we are. The issue lies in where the mufti's priorities are. As a religious leader of a group, he should try to represent that group. It is one thing to say that he is a patriot of a...
  11. Amica

    And When the Leaders Are Worst Than the People They Lead...

    Belgrade (Serbia) mufti calls Serbia's Muslims as "Serb" Muslims and states that he is a "serb patriot." His statements would not be an issue if he used different terminology. "Serb" refers to an ethnic group. "Serbian" would refer to someone from the country of Serbia. His calling Serbia's...
  12. Amica

    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Oh, and your "affiliating honor killngs with hadiths," makes no sense. As a strong supporter of hadiths, Abdullah, (regardless whether they are fake or not, weak or strong, legitimate or illegitimate), you should know that hadiths support "honor" murders. And yes, I will call them murders...
  13. Amica

    Why Muslims Must Follow the Sunna As Well As the Quran

    Please follow the link below. Posted is the book called "100 Fabricated Hadiths," written by a graduate from the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Read the texts and refutations of ’100 Fabricated Hadeeths’ Author is a graduate from the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud...
  14. Amica

    Why Muslims Must Follow the Sunna As Well As the Quran

    Muslims, as per Holy Qur'an, are to seek knowledge. I am posting to all of you links to take a look at and read to. It is in reference to the critical look hadiths. The first link is the website, the second is free book you can open and read...
  15. Amica

    Why Muslims Must Follow the Sunna As Well As the Quran

    Koranist salaam, I think it is useless to point out any truth from the Qur'an to the ones who would follow human laws as religious ones over the Divine Word. Abdullah would rather believe hadiths that say "stone adulterers" over the Divine Order of lashes. What is the point of even discussing...
  16. Amica

    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Abdullah you said: "and Sis, no matter how much you hate Islam, do us a favour and try not to be that nasty; affilliating something like 'honour killings' with hadith." EXCUSE ME??????? :mad: WHERE did you gather "facts" that I hate Islam? All my life I have been a Muslim and do everything in my...
  17. Amica

    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Salaam brother Abdullah, You see, there is NOTHING to apologize about in regards to the Noble Qur'an and its language. Those who approach it with evil intention, will always "find" means to attack it. Those who wish to understand it, even when they "do not get it," will find understanding...
  18. Amica

    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Salaam brother Abdullah, I respect your opinions, and your feedback. When Muslims discuss women, marriage and relationship issues, this is what I have noticed: 1. Qur'an is emphasized as a guideline for rules about relationships with women, and women's statues in Islam. 2. On the ground...
  19. Amica

    Study Koran?

    Hi, Thank you for taking a step to understand the Holy Qur'an. I have two translations of the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an: one in English and one in my native language (Bosnian). The English copy, I feel, does not do the justice. Although Yusuf Ali (the copy I have) attempted to help, I...
  20. Amica

    Did Pamela Geller Know About Norway Attack?

    Ann Coulter about Muslims: Ann Coulter Invade Countries and Convert to Christianity MARCH 2010 MICHAEL COREN SHOW - YouTube