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  1. Dream

    New Guy Here

    Check it out, you can post cuss words in this forum. You like it.
  2. Dream

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    ...that trolls prefer not to deal with? You're just trying to depress the stock, so you can buy it yourself. It won't work.
  3. Dream

    New Guy Here

    You should meet each other! Play a game of The Simpson's Monopoly.
  4. Dream

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Oh, there's never been one like and never will be again. Definitely it was the coolest decade in the USA, ever.
  5. Dream

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    The 80's saw the reintroduction of leg warmers and giant pacifiers for grownups. I'd say things were significantly better for people everywhere after that. My favorite part of the 80's was burning dumpsters full of back-masked devil worshiper rock'n roll. You know, the Beatles and Beach Boys...
  6. Dream

    New Guy Here

    Fairly offensive, but he's no professional.
  7. Dream

    New Guy Here

    You sport the look of a very offensive poster in another religious forum, but that person hasn't been banned from that forum. He's also got a different tattoo.
  8. Dream

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    I'd say I was jealous, but I don't believe The 60's really exists. Its just something someone imagined.
  9. Dream

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Neither. Its more like a boat with a for sale sign on it.
  10. Dream

    First question ...

    I see what you mean. I was going to mention (but somehow edited it out by mistake) that I wouldn't know how to pursue such a study. What about the sieves though? (That would also be beyond me, but one might learn more about the 'Sieves' of time.) As for me, I don't think anything was ever...
  11. Dream

    First question ...

    There is a lot of time to cover and there could be any number of sieves, but I can't think of a time when any person has ever had access to the range of information that we have today. Possibly you could learn things that no one ever has. You could become the Buddy Holly of historians.
  12. Dream

    First question ...

    That is interesting.
  13. Dream

    First question ...

    I didn't realize the question was going to seem that way. You said 'Humanist geographer Yi-Fu Tuan once wrote: "All human beings are religious if religion is broadly defined as the impulse for coherence and meaning" ' Cain was not asking a religious question by this definition, because he was...
  14. Dream

    First question ...

    So I'm not good enough to ask questions? I think you are getting off topic. sophistry: the use of fallacious arguments, esp. with the intention of deceiving. No, I don't think so.
  15. Dream

    First question ...

    I have a question. Cain was asked "Where is your brother?" I could infer that the answer to Cain's question is rhetorical, but is it really? Is it a question that is generally considered to have been answered implicitly? Perhaps the question asked does not imply a responsibility for his...
  16. Dream

    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    Definitely that is related. In the Christian context we are both made in God's likeness and also inspired by the Spirit. Christians are then exhorted to see God in themselves but more in those around them on the whole allegorically as if they were all parts of a huge tent in which God was...
  17. Dream

    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    I don't think you have to be labeled. This is a Christian text that I'm explaining in its ancient context as well as I'm able to understand it. The label is a more recent development whereas originally this confession places God in such a superior position to people that we are all small in...
  18. Dream

    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    It depends upon whom you ask. In a general we can all be better than we are at something, so in that sense we are sinners. In the context of 1John 1:9 a person should consider themselves a sinner compared to God in terms of truth and importance with no extra levels between any two people...
  19. Dream

    Happy Birthday, juantoo3!

    Another beautiful year of great fortune. May each one sieze every good opportunity and benefit from it in the coming year.
  20. Dream

    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    Thank you for that advice. I wish I had thought of it, and I should definitely listen to it.