Search results

  1. China Cat Sunflower

    I need your help please

    I find that stripping away the social-cultural forms and baggage of religion is both spiritually freeing, and at the same time a potentially isolating and lonely experience. In my own spiritual space, where I am free to contemplate the Essence, I find very little but naked awe and humility. I...
  2. China Cat Sunflower

    Eating dead fetus in China

    Is there anything the Chinese won't eat?
  3. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    After three days on the closet floor your socks are good again provided they were turned inside-out. This does not work if they're placed in the hamper. Chris
  4. China Cat Sunflower

    Something on meaning from one of my notebooks

    Well, that's it isn't it? Everything is mundane, and therefore sacred. Get too involved in searching for Meaning, and everything becomes self-referential and relative. But meaning is personal and available through being and living. In that sense it's no big mystery at all. Chris
  5. China Cat Sunflower

    an American Idiot with a TV show

    Well,'s hard not to either toe a PC line or let some part of your slip show when it comes to discussing Muslim issues. Conventional wisdom is just such crap, and it's hard to even comment without rehearsing the entire history of the world. There is never time in the opinion portion of...
  6. China Cat Sunflower

    Top 10 Required Books

    Propaganda, The Formation of Men's Attitudes, Jacque Ellul This book made a bigger dent on my consciousness than anything I've read in my life. The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker The Birth and Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker Essential to understanding existential angst. These two books...
  7. China Cat Sunflower

    We are all G!ds.

    OK, I'll add some confusion. If Christ is in us, then we're in him. He is our representative. And if he's the Logos,then our essential nature controls him. And if he is also the active portion of God as far as we're concerned, then our essential nature is equivalent to God, so far as we are...
  8. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    It is an essential fall into consciousness WITH sexual awareness. Who would want to live in a state of "un-fallen" unawareness? And the whole thing is set up to make sure that happens, so God can't be at all surprised. The very first thing humans do is disobey-because they must. Gee, do you...
  9. China Cat Sunflower

    The Present Age Passing Away

    Well, we have a lot more to fear than that. The greatest enemy of the mind is nostalgia. It is the mechanism by which the most destructive, controlling propaganda is delivered. Chris
  10. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    Measurement is a product of the observational process. You can't have measurement without an observer. What's the point of a gauge that no one checks? I'm not really sure what quantum physics has to do with free will. Of course we have innate free will, otherwise every human would want the...
  11. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    This is a key point. In the double slit experiment the observer has already decided which aspect she will observe. This imposes bias. Even to say that light must conform to wave or particle process introduces observational bias. Of course the observer seems to control, but it is the observer...
  12. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    Nothing can determine which direction I will turn at the next intersection, and when I turn it will change the entire universe. The fact that my choices are limited in terms of probability, and the change is negligible to the overall systemic stability in no way makes my actions directly...
  13. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    Ah, I understand where you're coming from now. My point of view is that underneath it all, and before cause and desire, is personal, differentiated will. The fact that it's mine makes it free, whether I ever figure out how to use it consciously or autonomously. And, even if I'm driven by...
  14. China Cat Sunflower

    Interfaith Ceili anyone?

    That was a real pleasure to read, Thomas. Thank you! Chris
  15. China Cat Sunflower

    Assignment: "Freewill" (Pro/Con)

    OK, you make a compelling case, but... what drives an infant to find mommy's boob? There is a will to survive before the desire to feed. I think that you are disconnecting the sub-conscious from the conscious and saying that only that which occurs in the conscious is will. Chris
  16. China Cat Sunflower

    The Present Age Passing Away

    Hey Victor, thanks for contributions to this site which I've enjoyed. You will, perhaps, forgive our normal skepticism of people's prophetic proclivities. I'm sure you can think of any number of encounters you've had with folks who put out similar meanderings. And since there's no way of...
  17. China Cat Sunflower

    The Present Age Passing Away

    Victor is a guy from before your time here. He contributed a lot of really interesting stuff which I enjoyed reading. My point is general: I find that there is a process of closing down that occurs after middle age as a person tries to consolidate their mental processes and looks for...
  18. China Cat Sunflower

    Interfaith Ceili anyone?

    Yeah, good luck with that! It's interesting how cultural folk music can really grip you. I know lots of folks who are super enamored of Celtic stuff. Maybe they watched Brave Heart one too many times, but the fixation seems almost innate. I have a thing for black gospel music. I have no...
  19. China Cat Sunflower

    Net dating - anyone tried it?

    Right, you have to cancel at the end of your commitment or they will continue to bill your card. Chris
  20. China Cat Sunflower

    Net dating - anyone tried it?

    Right on, Mark! That's great to hear. I'm so happy these days. Love is wonderful! Chris