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  1. B

    The Fallacy of Literal Interpretation

    The whole of the Jewish Bible is just the Jewish way to talk about the history of man and his relation with God. Ben
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    The Fallacy of Literal Interpretation

    Here is my interpretation of the Adam & Eve in the Genesis account of creation. THE DOUBLE ALLEGORY OF CREATION There are three stages for the account of Creation in Genesis: Two allegories and the Reality which the allegories point to: Man as the theme of Creation. The first allegory in...
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    An Insult to the Ladies

    That's the reason why Christians laugh at some of us for labouring under "old wives' tales" that still mutilate the Truth of the Scriptures. Judaism is expected to be progressive and midrashim should be looked at from a rational point of view. Wake up Bananabrain and smell the sodium. Too much...
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    An Insult to the Ladies

    There is nothing Graecophile at all about Psalm 82:6,7. "Godlike beings" here is as different from the Christian concept of son of God with reference to Jesus, as the night is from the day. This yes, it is absolutely graecophile. Just like the Greek myth of the demigod, which is the son of a god...
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    The Pauline Paradox

    Interesting that, by coincidence, I just watched a TV program about a former homosexual man being interviewed and saying that he was a born-again Christian who after his conversion got married to a former lesbian and had become both a father and mother to their children. The most important thing...
  6. B

    The Slitting of 850 Throats

    THE SLITTING OF 850 THROATS Dear Ben, Reading the books of I and II Kings this past weekend, I came about a gruesome deed of prophet Elijah's who, in order to erradicate the cult of Baal and Asherah, he slitted the throats of 850 of the prophets of Baal and Asherah. (I Kings 18:19) Regardless...
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    The Fallacy of Literal Interpretation

    THE FALLACY OF LITERAL INTERPRETATION Dear Ben, I would like to review my former beliefs about the Trinity but I need to understand that Genesis 1:26 means anything different from what so many Christians see as an evidence for the Trinity. Here's what it says: "Then, God said: Let us make...
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    An Insult to the Ladies

    Well, why don't you use the Scriptures to refute me? Use it to tell me where I am wrong and we are in business. Ben
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    When the Beloved is Ready for the Lover

    Why, because of have decided to defend ourselves? I bet you would like us to sit duck like during the Holocaust and be killed like sheep. Guess what? We are a new generation of Jews who have decided to fight back. Ben
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    Where is Daniel? Where is His Book?

    Yes, Servetus, the thing is exactly as you put it: "Prophecy written after the fact." I don't deny the veracity of the man Daniel the prophet. The problem that his book did not score a place among the Neviim is that his book was written by a Historian here in Israel and not back in Babylon where...
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    Where is Daniel? Where is His Book?

    Now, I have nothing else to disagree with you, as I am familiar with your geological knowledge of this area, although I would be okay with Canaan before it became Eretz Yisrael. I lived in Eilat for a whole year and I travelled the area between Tel-Aviv and Eilat by bus and by plane more than...
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    An Insult to the Ladies

  13. B

    An Insult to the Ladies

    Why do you have to contradict just for the sake of controversy? We are not talking about agricultural laws and Temple services but marriage customs and the Pauline policy to advise single people not to marry. Besides, I am discussing with someone else about this issue. Ben
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    When the Beloved is Ready for the Lover

    WHEN THE BELOVED IS READY FOR THE LOVER Sorry if this is not what you expected to read. It is about the Land of Israel and the Jew, an essay based on the Songs of Solomon. When Israel, the Ten Tribes, was transferred to Assyria, the Assyrian king replaced the Israelites with Assyrians.The...
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    The Estraordinary Man

    THE EXTRAORDINARY MAN The other day I picked up the book, "Crime and Punishment" and read it wholy in three days. The thing that touched me the most was the concept of the extraordinary man in the Philosophy of the author, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky postulates in his book that all people...
  16. B

    An Insult to the Ladies

    Paul, during his whole life never persecuted a single Christian. He used to persecute the members of the "New Way" aka the Sect of the Nazarenes, who were Jews and Jewish converted from the Gentiles. Read Acts 9:1,2. Logically, one does not found a religion to persecute its adepts. Christians...
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    An Insult to the Ladies

    That Jewish prayer of "Praising to God for not having made me a woman," has nothing to do with the reason why Paul intended to have women subjected. The Jewish reason was based on the fact that women were not liable to all the commandments in the Law, especially the positive ones, of "Thou...