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  1. Aardvark01

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    Not quite "all". In part we are all 'there'. When we see "beauty" in nature, be it a flower, a sunset or a mathematical discovery, it is "beautiful" because something in us desires that from which we are, for the large part, excluded: "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this...
  2. Aardvark01

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    The raiders and farmers of Zoroaster's day must have settled their differences and joined forces. We only know about Zoroaster because the raiders carried his writings with them when they migrated south east to conquer the Indian civilisation, where they created the cast sytem (setting...
  3. Aardvark01

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    Your illustration is true but, sadly, describes a common incident of wooly thinking/selective memory. What people "tell" one another about (in words) in this example is not the first communication but the second. I think it all too easy to under-estimate the amount of information conveyed by the...
  4. Aardvark01

    How We Greet One Another

    I like to greet Chinese friends/students with either: Cantonese - Ne ho mah or Mandarin - Nee how (both approximate spellings) The Thai greeting is gender specific, something like: sarhwa ti krabp - said by men and sarwah ti Kah - said by women (I learned to pronounce them but not how to...
  5. Aardvark01

    The Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

    Three horsemen went off to do one thing, the other went off to do something else. To say this behaviour "does not fit" is to assume there is some reason, some narrative imperative, that should have kept them together. It would make more sense to ask "what makes the first horseman different?"...
  6. Aardvark01

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    I ask whether you have tried living without private property because you raised the issue in a previous post and I wonder where you are coming from (theory or practice). I lived in christian community during my twenties (many in my church have been doing so since the 1970's) where all property...
  7. Aardvark01

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    I mentioned pastoralism as an extension of agriculture because it is the domestication of animals (as opposed to plants). Hunter gatherers may have domesticated dogs but not livestock. May I ask what your experience is in living without private property? The early church practiced "all things...
  8. Aardvark01

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    1. We can show God within us: ... God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 4:16 2. We can show God upon us, in an "anointing" of power: The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me... Isaiah 61:1 3. We can show...
  9. Aardvark01

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    QUOTE=wil - I start with a hug....regularly. And as I hug thinking Namaste, (the light (wisdom, Christ, Krishna, G!d) in me, sees, salutes, honors and respects the light (wisdom, Christ, Krishna, G!d) in you!) Tis upto them to reject my hug. To which I'll reply handshakes spread germs, hugs...
  10. Aardvark01

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    In response to the suggestion "teach them to read first" QUOTE=sonisis - "The experiment stipulates you must use no words at all" The experiment does not stipulate how much time we have (to communicate God). Whether the communication takes the form of writing, drawing, a complex sign...
  11. Aardvark01

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    QUOTE=c0de Dr. Juris Zarins, the Latvian-American Professor of Southwestern University[7] believes that the Garden of Eden lies in the vicinity, presently under the headwaters of the Persian Gulf, and he further believes that the story of Adam and Eve in-and especially out-of the Garden is a...
  12. Aardvark01

    Christmas on December 25th?

    QUOTE=Thomas - Hi Aardvark — welcome to the forum. Thank you QUOTE=Thomas - I suppose I should have said it's a silly idea, and anyone who accepts it is equally silly. Nick, however, seems to believe it, as he's offering it as a reason for choosing the 25th in subsequent posts. I could...
  13. Aardvark01

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    "You meet a person who is and always has been deaf and illiterate. You must convey God to them using no words at all. How do you do it?" I am puzzling over the use of the word MUST in the original post. What sort of compulsion are we to suppose ourselves to be under? ie. an external one (such...
  14. Aardvark01

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    QUOTE from juantoo3's original post "... Some dragons fly, some breathe fire, some swim. And all of them make strong impressions on the collective psyche of humanity, some for good, and some for evil. Any thoughts?" I wonder less at the impact of dragons on the psyche than at the fact that...
  15. Aardvark01

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    QUOTE=shawn "The word in the Bible which you read in Genesis as "serpent" is actually NHSH which means "to decipher, to find out", which can be taken to mean "he who can decipher, he who finds things out"..." Intersting. Jesus actually uses the serpent in this sense: wise as serpents...
  16. Aardvark01

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    QUOTE=woodsyroots "How interesting. So what is Medusa with all those serpents growing out as hair? What's that about? anyone" I recall reading a Terry Pratchett novel which raised the question of whether the snakes were only on her head...:eek:
  17. Aardvark01

    How We Greet One Another

    At this time of year everyone around here is both greeting and parting with "merry Christmas"
  18. Aardvark01

    How We Greet One Another

    QUOTE=xcvbxcvb re: How are you? "I like this one. Only problem is that only half the people ever answer you." There is more to it than not getting an answer. The greeting is a common one where I live and I have to use some discernment before responding. It is often used in a manner that...
  19. Aardvark01

    Christmas on December 25th?

    QUOTE=bob "March, June, September, and December 25 were the original dates of the equinoxes and solstices in the calendar as Julius Caesar intended it. But since 365 1/4 days is not exactly the year, the dates drifted backward over the centuries. ..." I find this a more satisfactory...
  20. Aardvark01

    The Bible as Astrology

    Hi Nogod, I presume the word you intended was "etymology". Entomology is the study of insects:). Hebrew uses the 'phonetic' script developed by the Canaanites while ancient Egyptian used a combination of phonetics and idiograms. The languages are both semitic and were probably mutually...