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  1. Z

    Selfishness is part of love

    I find it interesting to argue about selfless love from a rational POV. It's inconceivable to the rational mind that someone would ever be selfless, isn't it? Rationally speaking, why on earth would people give more than they got unless there was something in it for them? And yet, beyond...
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    Questions on Distinguishing Characteristics The king asked: "Venerable Nagasena, is it so that one does not transmigrate[1] and one is reborn?"[2] "Yes, your majesty, one does not transmigrate and one is reborn." "How, venerable Nagasena, is it that one does not transmigrate and one is...
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    Other questions on reincarnation

    Erased by user. May all beings be happy...
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    Other questions on reincarnation

    I practice Tibetan Buddhism. Don't know if that makes me mainstream or not. Guess it will depend on who you ask... ;) It's important to understand that the teaching is not reincarnation but rebirth. Here are a couple of things to chew on: Rebirth - RangjungYesheWiki - A pithy technical...
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    Hi again. Thanks for the clarification! :)
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    Hi Nick. Are you saying that Buddhism is about discarding our current level of consciousness for a higher one? Or that we get rid of our personalities? I would have to disagree if that is what you're saying because then instead of grasping and pulling things toward ourselves, we would be...
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    My understanding is that ego in Buddhism refers to our fundamental ignorance about the nature of things, including and perhaps espeically about our "self". The path is cutting through that ignorance. And the result is the absence of that ignorance. It's not about removing your personality or...
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    Other questions on reincarnation

    I think Nick has summed things up pretty well. My understanding of what passes on is the results or effects of actions, thoughts, aspirations, etc. Even genetic code could be seen as a type of rebirth, I think. (For better info, contact a well-trained teacher, who will definitely have much...
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    Other questions on reincarnation

    If you're talking about a eternal unchanging soul, then Buddhists don't believe in that. Hindus generally believe in atman whereas Buddhists believe in anatman.
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    I think this type of practice would fall into the Six Yogas of Naropa and should not be attempted without lots of preparation and or a good relationship with an experienced teacher. You can google "Six yogas" or "tummo" for more general information, but my understanding is that these are...
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    faith to die for

    For me, it really depends on the details of the situation. If it would keep others safe if I converted, then I would go through the motions of changing my religion so that I might have an opportunity to continue to benefit them. But if my lack of conversion would not endanger others and would be...
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    vipassana 10-day

    I haven't done the SN Goenka retreats. I'm glad they are beneficial for you! Before I started practicing Tibetan Buddhism, I practiced with insight meditation groups and occassionally did solo retreats, although 4 days was the longest I ever did. It would be great to do a 10-day retreat though...
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    vipassana 10-day

    Hi TripleGem. I've done vipassana retreats and a lot of vipassana practice. It's very worthwhile... Which teacher/retreat are you planning to attend? Z
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    Hi Gucke. Could you please define "ego"? That would help in terms of discussing techniques and what you mean by "killing it." For me, "ego" means the misapprehension that these collected parts somehow make a real, solid, actually existing entity called "me." The antidote is to look for this...
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    Comfortable with hell

    Well, I stopped checking this thread months ago and look what happened! :) Thanks for the replies. For me, hell is a temporary state and the term "hell" is a convenient short-hand for that state of intense suffering. I don't think it's something that only happens after a sentient being dies.
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    Comfortable with hell

    I'm not sure what this means in terms of my questions. Could you elaborate or clarify? Thanks!
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    Comfortable with hell

    Hi all. My husband (a Christian) and I (a Buddhist) were talking the other night about the doctrine of eternal hell. (We Buddhists have hell, but it isn't eternal, among other things.) I'm curious as to how people work with the belief/teaching of eternal hell if that is present in your...
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    What did you do to get to the afterlife?

    If all are not allowed to tarry, then I do not want to either. :)
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    Unique teachings in Buddhism

    Thanks for the reply, Oat.
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    Unique teachings in Buddhism

    This has been an interesting conversation, that's for sure. Could you clarify what you mean by the above? If the mind cannot experience the "ultimate" (whatever that is), then what does? And if the ultimate cannot be attained or taught (and I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you), then why...