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  1. Z


    Me? Anxious? Just what are you implying? I mean, I'm not usually the anxious type, except when I am ... but really, do you think badly about me because of it? Hee hee ... :D Reincarnation is something I've never taken much of an interest in. So I have to research what my school says. Thanks...
  2. Z


    From my understanding, in rebirth an immutable "soul" (or life force) moves from one body to another. I am much less clear about reincarnation. The parable I read was that reincarnation is like a new candle being lit from another candle's fame or a drop of water being taken out of the container...
  3. Z


    Hello. I am looking for the thread explaining reincarnation in the Buddhist sense. (I saw your post, Vajra, on CF and wanted to do some reading up on the subject). Is anyone interested in discussing this topic? With metta, Zenda
  4. Z

    You know nothing about Hinduism

    Why is it that people think it is acceptable to "blast" someone via e-mail like this? And it is not very helpful. He should have redressed the mistakes so you could correct the information. I'm sorry Brian that you got something like this, but I'm sure you've gotten worse over the years. :)...
  5. Z

    Happy Vesak Day

    But maybe that's a good thing. No one should practice in a vaccuum right? Maybe your cat and my son are just reminding us not to forget that we don't practice to escape ... :p Be well, Zenda
  6. Z

    Would you live your life again?

    I wouldn't go back. I like my life. I know myself well enough to know that if I tried to go back and change "mistakes", I'd just be exchanging one set of outcomes for another that I would be equally unhappy or happy about and wish I could change. Better instead to try to live life on life's...
  7. Z

    Which creature fascinates you most?

    And to add one more complication: Is my karma irrefutably affected when I feed my husband and son meat? Thank you for the thoughtful reply, Vajra. I am being serious, and I find it more troubling every day. Now to make a decision and act. That is the difficult part, no? With metta, Zenda
  8. Z

    Homosexuality and Religion

    The point that I always go back to is that God in the Bible also states that many other things are absolutely wrong as well. I wonder whether people use the Bible to simply support their prejudice against an act they find repugnant. In the end, what harm does homosexuality in a committed...
  9. Z

    Happy Vesak Day

    Is this a play on words, perhaps? Given the rain we had in the Philadelphia area, I can imagine that you had some where you were too ... My practice has been average ... I'm tempted to say it's hit a plateau. But I don't mind really. My son is at a stage where he wants to be with me all the...
  10. Z

    Which creature fascinates you most?

    Even eating is fraught with moral consequences and accompanied by its nagging handmaiden Guilt. :( Not only are my food choices important from a consumer standpoint (i.e., buying organic and locally grown food versus chemically/genetically modified food shipped halfway 'round the world), but...
  11. Z

    Happy Vesak Day

    Welcome back! :cool: I hope your retreat was fruitful. With metta, Zenda
  12. Z

    Happy Vesak Day

    The same to you Vajra, and to all others for whom this day is important! With metta, Zenda
  13. Z

    16 reasons for religion

    I agree Brian that it's a logical, common sense approach. But that in itself is remarkable for psychology, no? :) I find this article interesting in terms of taking a personal inventory and examining my motivations for this or that ... including my desire to lose my desire. :D to samabudhi...
  14. Z

    16 reasons for religion

    Hi all. I found this on ( I haven't read the study yet, but it looks interesting. Here is the blurb from the blog: New Theory Suggests People Are Attracted To Religion For 16 Reasons People are not drawn to religion just because of a fear of...
  15. Z


    I'm on the other side of the business ... I'm an editor by profession. Medical stuff, although I've done some "work" for friends. And I write poetry in my spare time. Does that make me an author? Or just hopelessly self-absorbed? :p With metta, Zenda
  16. Z

    Find your fairy!

    Your fairy is called Tangle Goblinfly She is a bringer of riches and wealth She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky
  17. Z

    Retreat experiences

    Thanks for the support and wise words. It's nothing serious. Just scheduling trouble and some stressful times for my hubby at work. Long story short ... He works at a comprehensive day care in the city. They have a full staff of teachers and about 5 therapists of different stripes ... PT, OT...
  18. Z

    Retreat experiences

    My sad news, which I wanted to share with someone who could understand ... I had to cancel my retreat. :(
  19. Z

    Theravada Buddhism

    Greetings. I hope neither of you minds if I interject. Vajra is much more studied than I am, so I won't attempt to post scripture. But I think I might be able to help with the concept of non-self. In my experience, non-self is realized when one accepts that one is both a construction of one's...
  20. Z

    Mediaeval Personality Test

    I enjoy these quizzes. Thanks for posting! Kingdomality Results: Your distinct personality, The Dreamer-Minstrel might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You can always see the "Silver Lining" to every dark and dreary cloud. Look at the bright side is your motto and...