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  1. Nivek


    I''ve always been a rather calm, easy-going person. I used to be quite sensitive (still am to a certain extent) and when something would anger or upset me I would hold on to it for a while. Now though, I've become more aware that the feelings themselves (of saddness, irritation, anger, etc) are...
  2. Nivek

    Hello dudes

    Mostly differences in identification of a "perceptor". Buddhist usually avoid extremes of wether there is or isn't one but Advaitins (pretty much hindu's in general) see it established as a "Self", wether using logical reasoning like Shankara's exposition of his theories in the Upadesasahasri...
  3. Nivek

    Is abortion Demonic

    Unless theres a satanic emblem encircling the operating table, I don't really see how it is "Demonic". It being immoral on the other hand, is a whole other arguement. Just because something may be considered bad to some, I don't see how it would imply that the thing (abortion in this instance)...
  4. Nivek

    Hello dudes

    Hi, I have been reading this site a little lately. I'm 18 and i've been very interested in religion/spirituality over the past year or so. At first it started with an innocent fascination with cool looking images and symbolism used in occultic/religious stuff and the like, but then...