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  1. Impqueen

    this is really GROSS!

    Bugs don't bother me but cat ****? I gag badly. The litter tray has to be my partner's job. Maggots writhing under the skin of a dead rat the cats left so that, for a moment, it looks like it's still breathing. The sebacious cyst I just had removed from my leg squirting at the nurse as the...
  2. Impqueen

    Personal flaws

    Lazy, cowardly, perfectionist (do you know how hard it is to be a perfectionist but too lazy to achieve it?! :rolleyes:), naive, grouchy, can be bitchy (but not to people's faces - see 'cowardly'), self loathing (yeah, me too... do I get a badge?), arrogant, greedy, know-it-all (without actually...
  3. Impqueen


    Why is sex not good for your spiritual health? I think fasting works rather like the drugs used in some shamanic cultures. That's not dismissing it - I see it as a technique for reaching an altered state of consciousness in which one is more open to spiritual experiences.... or hallucinations...
  4. Impqueen

    How do you pray?

    That's pretty much it :D.
  5. Impqueen

    How do you pray?

    Tao - I have looked at Gaia theory and found it very interesting. However I'm wary of using it in relation to my religion because there seems to be controversy over whether Lovelock meant that the planet is sentient, or whether it functions 'like' an organism. My reading was that the planet...
  6. Impqueen

    How do you pray?

    The Earth (which I tend to personify as a Goddess), Thor/Thunor and once, Freya. I pray to the Earth for help with my plants or for other things she might have 'jurisdiction' over. Thor for protection and strength (the car crashes are a time I am particularly drawn to him). The time I prayed to...
  7. Impqueen

    How do you pray?

    I sort of reach out towards the god I'm praying to with my mind and feelings and think/visualise what I'm praying for. I try to be still when I'm doing it but other than that there's no physical position I adopt. I sometimes close my eyes but more to shut out distractions than because it's...
  8. Impqueen

    Who would you be?

    While I would actually quite like to be a tree ... it was one of those silly impulse posts. There was a series of adverts a while back (can't remember what for) in which a kid said he wanted to be a tree. :o As for species.... a bit predictable maybe, but probably oak. They have a calm motherly...
  9. Impqueen

    god thinks all humans are evil right?

    I doubt it. It's not that we all deserved hell before Jesus, but that his big gesture was supposed to encourage us all onto the 'right path'.
  10. Impqueen

    Who would you be?

    I want to be a tree.
  11. Impqueen

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    I'm afraid then, that I misunderstood your initial post, it wasn't clear to me that 'Kama qualities' are different from normal states... clearly I should have recognised it as something I wasn't qualified to comment on as I have no idea what a Kama quality even is. Despite having read your post...
  12. Impqueen

    is it not clear that judaism is true?

    Ah you see the difference is, I maintain a good facade of normality much of the time. But now and again.... *twitch*
  13. Impqueen

    is it not clear that judaism is true?

    Sorry - assumption on my part :o I'm afraid when I mentioned miracles I was thinking more about parting of the Red Sea and plagues etc rather than the revelation itself. I don't necessarily dispute the revelation though, but think of it in terms of the Jewish god speaking to his chosen people...
  14. Impqueen

    why doesnt god give points for the good we do

    Then maybe you should look at some of the less 'hellfire and brimstone' Christian groups and find out how you can gain forgiveness. I'm not Christian, but I'm with InLove on this; I don't think grovelling has alot to do with it. Sounds to me like you've blanked out the love bits of Christianity...
  15. Impqueen


    I have in my freezer the meat of pigs I oohed and aahed over when they were cute little piglets. I watched them grow and fatten knowing I might be able to get some of the meat. I talked to them and scratched their heads, sprayed them with water on hot days. And then when they had been taken to...
  16. Impqueen

    why doesnt god give points for the good we do

    I know this isn't directly related to the thread but.... Shadowman, you seem really angry at Christianity. Why? If you don't believe it, it's not the faith for you. Fair enough. I think your questions are essentially ones alot of us non-Christians ask, and ones that lead us to the conclusion...
  17. Impqueen


    I agree with you there. Though I think if the group wanted to pay for extra testing to make certain whether it had/didn't have TB it should be allowed a 'stay of execution' for that purpose.
  18. Impqueen

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    The question isn't whether he loves me, it's (Or at least, that was my interpretation of the question, which may not in fact be what SM was asking.)
  19. Impqueen


    Which in this case, means killing it. Or do you think we shouldn't slaughter animals who have TB at all? Edit - I do agree that we should treat all animals with respect though.
  20. Impqueen

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    So those of us who are never 'corrected' aren't loved? But I thought the line was that he loves you, even if you don't know him. I still don't understand why he would make us so flawed and then punish us. If it's so that we have the opportunity to learn and choose the right path, then why...