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  1. Impqueen


    Sacred cow with bovine TB 'to be put down' - Times Online Should 'sacred cows' get special treatment? Not just with reference to this case, but more generally too.
  2. Impqueen

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    Lol :D
  3. Impqueen

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    I think Sm is getting at the point - If God made man, he made us with all our flaws, so why then punish us for the flaws he made? Which is something I've wondered too...
  4. Impqueen

    Where do my beliefs end?

    Peanut butter showers? Eeeeeew. Now Marmite baths, they definitely have spiritual value. Plus, if you die in there, the salt will preserve your body and you'll be mummified. Anyway...there was a real thought in my brain somewhere before I started on that.... um.... Oh that was it.... I...
  5. Impqueen

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    In my experience fear increases love, rather than cancelling it out. :) I would agree that polarities can be a useful tool for understanding. It can be useful for a child to learn of bad behaviour versus good behaviour. That doesn't mean that as they grow up they shouldn't interrogate these...
  6. Impqueen

    Cultural Ties and Religion

    Nowadays I think the CoE is popular (hang on a minute.... it isn't popular....anyway, moving on) ... as popular as it is, because it combines religion and nationalism (not necessarily bad nationalism). Which might also explain its decline in recent years - nationalism has become deeply...
  7. Impqueen

    is it not clear that judaism is true?

    No [/LEFT] That's okay :) I think the key is to look at it from another's perspective. They are claims, it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to believe them. Why is it more reasonable to assume that they are true? From a polytheistic perspective, even if they are true, it doesn't...
  8. Impqueen

    Why do you believe in G-d?

    That could be scary.... :p
  9. Impqueen

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    Bgruagach and JosephM have said it better than I could.
  10. Impqueen

    Prayer for others

    Lol.... :p
  11. Impqueen

    Why do you believe in G-d?

    Interesting.... I have to admit I thought he was Pagan. You learn something new every day... ;)
  12. Impqueen

    PC madness G-d is banned

    The members of the KKK and the BNP have every right to believe whatever they believe. The problem comes when they commit illegal acts such as incitement to violence, or violence itself. I think it's unfortunate but a level of xenophobia is natural, and so legislating against thought crime and...
  13. Impqueen

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    Heat can be measured objectively, but cold cannot. 'Hot' still only has subjective meaning really because we can say 'this oven is at 180degreesC', but when we say that 'this oven is hot' we have to ask, relative to what? Relative to the rest or the kitchen, or my body temperature, it's hot. But...
  14. Impqueen

    Why do you believe in G-d?

    I'm afraid I can't really answer your question MuslimWoman because I feel pretty much the way you do. I just do. Although I have to admit I've never had the chilly Cyril feeling!
  15. Impqueen

    PC madness G-d is banned

    Recently there was a big furore about gay adoption over here. The government said that all adoption agencies have to consider gay couples as potential adoptive parents. But some adoption agencies are run by the Catholic church. Personally I think gay couples should be allowed to adopt. But I...
  16. Impqueen

    Prayer for others

    I think you're right... it depends on the prayer. If a Christian prayed for me to be happy that's great, if they prayed for me to convert I think I'd be a little annoyed ... though I can see why they'd do that. I suppose it's the free will issue again. I like the images of the Gods sitting...
  17. Impqueen

    PC madness G-d is banned

    Lol.... I find the BCE (Before Christian Era) replacing BC (Before Christ) funny or irritating depending on my mood. From a certain point of view BCE is actually more Christian-centric because it makes all the time since Christ's birth the 'Christian Era' rather than simply the time since an...
  18. Impqueen

    my posts do not appear....

    Hurrah! It worked! I don't think I did anything different (if anything the desk is less tidy.... :p). :confused: but :D
  19. Impqueen

    Prayer for others

    Do you think it is acceptable for a member of one faith to pray to their deity for the member of another faith? What about if the person prayed for is hostile to the faith of the person praying? Some examples... Could a Muslim pray for a Jew and vice versa? Would it be okay for me to pray to...
  20. Impqueen

    my posts do not appear....
