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  1. K

    The Feminine Face of GOD

    i love these comments if god is a woman she is one nasty chick. war, famine, disease, mutation, it all sounds like a loving mother to me.
  2. K

    No theory of creation

    ok i see what you are saying but what do you mean beyond reality, do you mean imaginary. you are falling back on the allways there argument. allways where. so in other words you are saying the universe was also allways there in some form, because the universe is allso a description of the...
  3. K

    Man superior to woman?

    i dont agree but i have no specific text to point to as i read about this years ago. but i think ulat (or lilith) became a demon later in the same way that the sators with the hooves and the horns became satan. (you may also know the sators from greek mythology as the followers of pan) i...
  4. K

    Dark Energy

    how cool they have a new name for ether (actually i not sure how to spell ether). soon we will be looking for dark matter drift.
  5. K

    Cold Fusion - Impossible?

    ok evan if cold fusion is possible, what use is it. i dont understand how you would use energy from it, now if it was really really hot fusion that we could use.
  6. K

    What is Time ?

    what is time? what is a cm or a kg. they are just a system of taking big blobs and making smaller blobs that can be defined. time is just a ruler, without something to compare it to it ist there. width , length, bredth, time. its like the reason everything has 3 (ok 4) dimentions...
  7. K

    The Quickening

    there can be only one. one what one god one creation one universe one bad actor that cant do a scottish accent.
  8. K

    Is God omniscient or limited?

    if god is everything, if god is me, you, the planet, the animals, space and time then god does see everything and hear everything. if god is energy, and matter is energy and god is all then god is what we all come from and what we all return to. (energy is never created or lost). then our...
  9. K

    Man superior to woman?

    read about adam and ulat , or adam and lilith. adam and eve were not the original two in creation. lilith was edited out of the bible, but she is in the old sandscript documents antd the old jewish religion. you can probably find it in google somewhere. the adam and eve story makes much...
  10. K

    No theory of creation

    science cannot explain creation. all the big bang theory says is stuff exploded and expaned, which anylogical person can tell you doesnt describe the beginning but the middle. and if it wasnt for string theory then the universe would be a globe, because if only hydrogen and helium expanded not...
  11. K

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    this is one smart guy. everything he said is true, and to whoever it was asked if he was more compassionate and loving than God is. The answer to that is clearly We all are. God killed and tortured his own son to prove a point. he could of forgiven everyone without doing that but noooo. and...
  12. K

    For those believing in the Christian idea of heaven...

    and what use is a sunny day if you have no cloudy ones to compare it too. sounds like the garden of boredom allover again. if when we die we take all our insecurities, and judgementalness, and meaness, and bad spelling, and physical shape with us then how is that heaven. Isnt that just...
  13. K

    Is Christianity the antichrist?

    Remember -NEVER NEVER prey to any god but god, oh and jesus, oh yeah and all the saints, oh and dont forget about the pope. (as being catholic was the only way to be christian for hundreds of years, and the popes were in charge of what was in the bible and what wasnt you cant be a real...
  14. K

    Help - in the new testament where does it say you cant be gay

    does the church anti homosexual thing come from the new testament or is it just from liviticus, with all the dont cut the hair on the sides of your heads and slaughter a goat on the alter stuff.
  15. K

    Son of God?

    Hes right thats how God planned it. The jews didnt have jesus crucified, God did. It was all part of gods plan to inflict great pain on jesus. and Jesus wasnt the first son of god, adam was. The son of god in the old hebrew means something slightly different.
  16. K

    If you are wrong, do you go to hell?

    christians agree that only accepting jesus can you go too heaven and be forgiven your sins. therefore Hitler goes to heaven because he was a christian but Gandi goes to hell.
  17. K

    good versus evil

    Is god good? Not in the way most people think of as good. if god is good why do we have death desease and famine, cant god fix it, or is he/she/it too lazy. why would god send his own son to be beaten, tortured, and slowly killed in the most painfull way possible just so he/she/it can...