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    Bible Changed Verse?

    Okay, experts agree that the Holy Bible we have today has been edited over the centuries. Fine. However, I found an interesting verse that some people (Christians) believe it is odd, strange and added/changed. It is Revelation 3:14 that reads: "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans...
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    Can Muslims Really Teleport?

    A very good question. I think it is the kind of question that many believers in God are unable to answer. But the answer is simple, and many in the New Age have actually explained it very well even though Qur'an (Islam's Holy Book) has stated this 1400 years ago. The answer is this: whatever we...
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    What If The Devil Became Truly Repentant...

    According to Islam, the devil's main sins were pride and refusal to follow God's orders because of which he has proceeded to lead humans to worship him, false gods or be atheists. He never denied God's existence and power. Now, if he were to repent, he will have to stop doing what he has been...
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    Can you believe in reincarnation & still be a monotheist?

    I have heard argument for affirmative response and the negative one. But what do you think: is one still a believer in your respective religions if he believes reincarnation? Why or why not?
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    Need your opinions

    Qur'an 2:62 cited earlier is the basic guideline in Islam. Muslims, however, are given further conditions that include charity, abandonment of hypocrisy, no lying, etc. Elsewhere in the Noble Qur'an, Allah SWT specifically says that He may forgive any sin but one: that of idolatry committed all...
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    Why Muslims Must Follow the Sunna As Well As the Quran

    Oh, but contradictory Hadiths are in use and serve to help in taking away human rights. Anything that contradicts Qur'an is suspicious to me. I think it is too boastful to say that 90% believers follow Hadiths to the T. Perhaps the Arabs/ Middle Easterners and some parts of Africa. Which make...
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    What is the problem with Islam?

    Honestly, I don't think God would be offended by a secular society so long as such society stands by the laws common to all people: don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, etc.
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    What is the problem with Islam?

    If the rule of law is Islam, then non Muslims are guaranteed rights. However, through out the history the rule of law placed Islam in second spot and people's rights have been abused.
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    What is the problem with Islam?

    I am not sure, really. Provided I am not a scholar, I do think that it could apply to all levels of government if it is structured in such a way that it affects the state affairs. I think from religious perspective Muslim nation is to have state religion Islam but that entails rights of non...
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    What is the problem with Islam?

    Not sure. It depends who makes the decisions. Considering that from a religious stand point a Muslim majority nation would to have a state religion: how fair would it be to ask a non Muslim to rule by Islam? Since the world is more secular, I think the state religion system is outdated. But how...
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    71 Srebrenica victims to be buried on 7/11

    Al- Fatiha :'(
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    71 Srebrenica victims to be buried on 7/11

    The March of Peace commemorates the March of Death 15000 people took during the fall of Srebrenica. They were to walk about 46 miles on foot. Only about 3500 survived the effort to reach free Bosnian territory on 7/11/1995. The column of people was shelled and attacked with nerve gas. Many were...
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    71 Srebrenica victims to be buried on 7/11

    Nearly 5,000 participants in March of Peace
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    Violent Hadith Narrations: Problem For All

    We can hope, but brainwashing has gone on for centuries. It is going to be difficult. In another post I included video about Hannafi school of thought. It prompted me to look at madhabs per country and it dawned on me: the most extreme Sunni school of thought is Hanbali. And guess what pattern...
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    Violent Hadith Narrations: Problem For All

    Dr. Shabir Ally:
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    Hanafi School of Thought Can Help Against Over-reliance On Problematic Hadiths

    Let the Qur'an Speak Series:
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    Disposing Paper With God's Name On It?

    I guess the burning is the best... <3
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    What is the problem with Islam?

    The verse is of political nature, setting a basic guideline for Muslim majority nation. Would UK want a Muslim queen? The Brits would freak out! Just like in the U.S. people freak out at a possibility that Obama was a Muslim, and some in the U.S., like Ben Carson, has come out to say that a...
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    Disposing Paper With God's Name On It?

    Salam! Besides burning, would shredding be OK? I have an old diary where I sometimes wrote God's Name for various reasons (to say thanks, to ask a question). Can I shred the diary? If yes, does shredding go someplace special? Or burning is the only option? Thanks.
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    Can We Unite With All Our Differences & Peacefully Coexist In the World?

    Sometimes fanatical religious people make no sense at all. A fanatical Jew may hate both Christians and Muslims. Fanatical Christian really hates just Muslims and would love to "love a Jew to death" to convert them to Christianity. Fanatical Muslims hates the first two just as equally. Where is...