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  1. kiwimac

    Book: Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism

    The book is indeed and interesting one. I've been fortunate enough to hear John Spong speak or 4 times, always an excellent experience. I wonder if it would be good to have a book discussion forum here.
  2. kiwimac

    Who understands X?

    Waiting for fullness!
  3. kiwimac

    Do not look at this

    Because curiosity is linked with survival. What you ignore today may eat you tomorrow.
  4. kiwimac

    Christianity Outside the Box

    That is, of course, only IF you accept that Revelation is a prophetic book. It is not, it is apocalyptic, it's contents refer almost entirely to the early Christian period and the various persecutions suffered by the Christian community then.
  5. kiwimac

    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    Cyrus was a Zoroastrian.
  6. kiwimac

    September Birthdays

    Only found this now -- Thank you all!
  7. kiwimac

    Conan the Chihuahua...

    Biggest chihuahua I ever saw was a chihuahua / border collie cross. I don't know how they managed it and I don't WANT to know.
  8. kiwimac

    early christian writings

    Great site which I had found before and which I had (to my shame) forgotten about. Can I also mention the following site. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
  9. kiwimac

    What Bible versions have you read from?

    The Emphatic Diaglott. Benjamin F. Wilson, Geneva, IL: B. F. Wilson, 1864. The Holy Scriptures, Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation, by Joseph Smith, Jr. the Seer ... Joseph Smith, Jr., Plano, Illinois: The English Revised Version. C.J. Ellicott, ed., American...
  10. kiwimac


    First: I would point out that God gave us that which is between our ears as something other than a draft excluder. God intends us to use our minds to search out and understand. Second: The warning in Rev 22 refers SPECIFICALLY to Revelation NOT to the Bible as a whole moreover the 616 idea...
  11. kiwimac


    Begin with this from Wikipedia which is an accurate summary of the position. In Hugh Schonfeld's Authentic New Testament we find the following [/SIZE][/FONT] Schonfeld, Hugh J., The Authentic New Testament (1962) Panther Books, pg. 424, n.84
  12. kiwimac


    The number in Revelations is mistranslated, it should be 616 rather than 666. Kiwimac
  13. kiwimac

    Zoroastrianism Holy Book?

    The Gathas Source
  14. kiwimac

    Sea of Reeds vs. Red Sea

    The following is interesting; Source From a Jewish question and answer site the following: [/LIST]Source
  15. kiwimac

    History of religion animation

    From the site:
  16. kiwimac

    Zoroastrianism Holy Book?

    Not that I'm aware of. Vedic hinduism and Zoroastrianism are about the same age and involve the same group of people, the proto-indo-aryans. While some concepts are shared, they have reversed. (Daevas in Zoroastrianism are evil, while Hindu Devas are good.) Source: Wikipedia
  17. kiwimac

    History of religion animation

    Wil, There are still Zoroastrians in Iran. Those who moved during the influx of Islam became the Parsis of India but not all moved and not all converted. Today there are around 45, 000 still in Iran, those in India around the 100,000 mark. All up, there are probably around the 200,000 mark...
  18. kiwimac

    Zoroastrianism Holy Book?

    Wil, The earliest texts are the Gathas which were written in Old Avestan, a now-extinct language. Old Avestan and Vedic Sanksrit are very similar (so similar that it is the Sanskrit that modern scholars use to translate the Old Avestan.) And it is these similarities which help place the...
  19. kiwimac

    Zoroastrianism's effect on other faiths

    What effect has Zoroastrianism had on other religions? Let me quote from a site: Source What do you think of the claims made? Just how much can one religion influence another? What does such influence mean for claims of inspiration? for claims of uniqueness? Be interested to see what...
  20. kiwimac

    Online text resources

    Couple of Zoroastrian sites: List of articles at Article Index and Gathas only Zoroastrians