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  1. Aerist

    Atheists do not love their family, friends and pets...

    My friend and sometime teacher DC Vision, who used to post on here years ago as "pseudonymous" had plenty of experience of the spirit world, yet saw no reason to posit the existence of God. Here is a link to an essay he wrote on the subject: Evolution vs Intelligent Design - THE AWAKENING SELF
  2. Aerist

    The spirit

    I'm afraid I can find no reference to it at all. I apologise for raising your hopes, but it seems too unreliable to quote. Well, I scored over the required 14 point, too. It was interesting to notice that some of the questions have gone from a No to a Yes over the years of meditation and...
  3. Aerist

    The spirit

    Indeed. I do wish those dealing with the Arab Spring would read it. I believe Clare Graves was for some reason - illness springs to mind - unable to present his papers himself - in fact by a quirk of fate his friend Abe Mazlow presented the work on Spiral Dynamics on his behalf, which might...
  4. Aerist

    The spirit

    I hadn't come across that one, actually, but it looks valid. Thanks for the introduction. Behaviour is ephemeral and context-sensitive, my interest is more in motivation. My personal favourite is the enneagram, because of it's links to the "passion" of the personality type, and the use that...
  5. Aerist

    The spirit

    My personality is essentially pragmatic, so if it/I feels guided to a particular course of action I don't have to understand it in detail to work with it. For those who are into NLP, I have a kinesthetic convincer strategy, so if it feels right in my body, that's usually good enough for me...
  6. Aerist

    The spirit

    Yet one has to do it on oneself - who else is going to. I quite like this formulation: Starborne - Quotes, Pictures, Poetry and Insight Well, it depends. For a start, there is therapy. Humanistic therapies can allow access to the first major transformation of consciousness. Jung would have...
  7. Aerist

    The spirit

    Hi, Mmmmmm. "Excalibur". I just like that metaphor. It is one of Dion Fortune's, I think. "Personality." Having gone on a long walk, I would further define "personality" - along with spirit, soul, enlightenment, and magic, as whatever it is defined as by the valid spiritual development...
  8. Aerist

    The spirit

    Psychology does not have to become your thing. YOUR psychology, as a westerner, does have to become your thing. The Western path is to purify the personality to allow it to become, in the words of the Western magical tradtion, Excalibur in the hands of King Arthur. The main problem with that is...
  9. Aerist

    The spirit

    This quote says more about the personality and culture of the writer than anything/everything else. just so. Both baulk at it and develop pseudospiritual paths that try and find a way around it. IMO the first step has to be a freeing from the constraints of the personality, the...
  10. Aerist

    Need help!!!!: inter religious relationship

    Your wondering and everything else else will affect your future, of course!- the seeds of the future are sown in the present moment. On a more observational level, I have noticed in the UK that the large immigrant communities, particularly those with large extended families, do seem to have a...
  11. Aerist

    Need help!!!!: inter religious relationship

    I would add to this that your family and personal Karma will also include the country in which you now live and have allegience to. Those from one culture who move to the home of another culture, modify their Karma accordingly. If your family has moved from India to England, for instance...
  12. Aerist

    About the Introductions board!

    Hi All, or, for non-duallists, Hi One, a good friend and teacher, DC Vision, who passed away in 2012, used to post on here regularly, so I have been around quite a bit looking, without posting. "Lurking" sounds prejudicial, "loitering" sounds criminal, so, unable to find another...
  13. Aerist

    The awul "Journey"

    Just fostering self-awareness, is all. It is unnecessary to read too much into it.
  14. Aerist

    The awul "Journey"

    That's an interesting one, isn't it. What I meant was along the lines of "Who is Who" other than a construct, but leave that for the moment. It has become clear over the years that the best way of noticing what this body needs, is to look at what it seeks to give the others that it loves. It...
  15. Aerist

    The awul "Journey"

    Who cares? ;););) Incidentally, if any moderator wants to alter the title of this thread, they can do it in several ways. Any of them would please this body immensely.
  16. Aerist

    The awul "Journey"

    :) Yes, gratitude, certainly. Took a while to learn that one!
  17. Aerist

    React to insults--Why turn other Cheek

    I'm afraid this Koan has defeated me.:cool:
  18. Aerist

    React to insults--Why turn other Cheek

    These guides (Beginner's and advanced) were published in the 80's, so before the excellent "dummies" range existed. Although your reaction was funny, there are many who consider themselves far too advanced to see themselves following a free beginner's guide and who lose out. Evolution in...
  19. Aerist

    Modern Day Judaism Paradoxes in Regards to God and the Messiah

    You are right, those Jews who take an orthodox view of the religion do NOT like it. Where the Talmud and the Tanach do not match up, demonstrating to an uninvolved scholar that the Tanach has probably been reconstructed from memory several times, much mental gymnastics are performed to justify...
  20. Aerist

    The awul "Journey"

    The Awful Journey to the present I don't really want to talk about, it's too Awful. I think it was Benjamin Disraeli who said when asked, "I am not a descendent, I am an ancestor" and to paraphrase that, I would rather dwell on what is possible than on what is history. Not that there's much...