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  1. dayaa

    I don't understand Strong Atheism, can someone explain it?

    hello/salam actually, muslim prayers would take between about an hour to an hour and a half each day approximately. i'm sure you atheists don't waste a moment of your time which you could be spending doing charitable work! i'm not quite sure why you expect that people who are praying in...
  2. dayaa

    One God with many names / One religion with many names

    hello again/salam to be honest, again i think chanting is just one way of doing it....which might not be everybody's cup of tea. some people might prefer silent contemplation for example. i don't really think it matters. to reverse a common ain't the way you do it, it's what you...
  3. dayaa

    in the beginning....

    hello/shalom could you please explain from a jewish point of view why God appears to have a human form in genesis. thankyou:)
  4. dayaa

    One God with many names / One religion with many names

    hello nitai and welcome i agree absolutely with this point of view. i believe that there is one God ....just people know him by different names and revere him by different ways. how much simpler it all would be if we stopped trying to give God a name and all just called him the Lord (for...
  5. dayaa

    I don't understand Strong Atheism, can someone explain it?

    woooow....i just started to really like buddhism:D .....does the fact that actually i haven't got a clue mean that really i'm pretty enlightened? i feel better already:cool:
  6. dayaa

    hello/salam/etc etc

    hello everyone sorry, i didn't realise i was supposed to introduce myself till i blundered in here by chance. actually if i had realised, i still wouldn't have introduced myself till i started to feel a bit at home here, so that was good timing. well, first of all, congratulations on a...
  7. dayaa

    I don't understand Strong Atheism, can someone explain it?

    hello all wonderful post as usual path:) i tend to think that we are all just people...we are all the same, and all different. atheists vary in their personalities and agendas just like everyone else. i do tend to object to the tendancy to believe in their own "intellectual superiority" of...
  8. dayaa

    old testament

    hello again thank you all for replies....especially bruce and quahom.....that's answered my question. coincidentally another of my questions has also been answered here. i was trying to find out the age of still existing jewish scriptures and as you have mentioned here, there must have been...
  9. dayaa

    old testament

    hello everyone i'd like to ask please why do christians have their own translations of the old testament rather than using the jewish translations? thankyou
  10. dayaa

    messianic jew

    thankyou banana for your comments. the question of everyone starting from their own beliefs then trying to prove it or justify it, and everyone having their own agenda is what i am finding so difficult. everyone tells you "their" belief is the "right" one. i have bought a copy of the "jewish...
  11. dayaa

    Gentle Religious Humor

    hi in love sorry to hear about your daughter's bike. (and your husband):( what is going on with shiny kiddies bikes? this is starting to annoy me now. any more stories about kiddies bikes and i shall turn vigilante:mad: about the donations idea....i don't know anything about setting up...
  12. dayaa

    Christianity minus Paul

    hmmm....pebble in the pond theory....that's sort of what i was wondering. i suppose it all depends on how you see religion. if you see it as God being behind everything directly, then i suppose whatever God wants to happen will happen irrespective of exactly how it happens. on the other hand...
  13. dayaa

    Christianity minus Paul

    hello all i admit i know nowhere near enough about this.....general overview without any specifics..... but i would tend to agree more with path. anyway....just to throw a wild card into the discussion, someone asked what christianity would be without paul......what about the islam? where...
  14. dayaa

    verse numbers please

    hello everyone thanks for all the information provided. it's a bit late tonight, but i will come back with my bible and mark off all the relevant passages for further study. talking about this place being "real".....i am so happy's the best place i've been in a long time, virtual or...
  15. dayaa

    messianic jew

    hello/shalom right, now i've managed to stop laughing i'll try to go back to the subject. sorry jewish people, i do realise this isn't the right board to ask for messianic jews! originally i didn't post it here....i posted it on comparative....i don't know how it found it's way here....i was...
  16. dayaa

    Gentle Religious Humor

    hello everyone again are we starting to take the bike seriously? does it have to be bikes necessarily? how about setting up some sort of voluntary contribution system....for anyone who's enjoyed this site, whatever they can do something for kids who are victims of religious wars...
  17. dayaa

    I don't understand Strong Atheism, can someone explain it?

    hello again i sort of suspect that man created God (in the dogmatic religious sense) but i also feel aware of a God above and beyond all that. i wonder if God gave us all an instinct to be aware of him and nothing more and that human efforts at religion may be some manifestation of that.....but...
  18. dayaa

    Gentle Religious Humor

    hi bandit no, it wasn't me who stole your bike, although i did steal a few bits and pieces as a child:mad:. as i remember it was more like biscuits from a shop and stuff like that. but i'll buy you a new bike if you like (although i expect i'm a bit late:p ). that's just so mean stealing a...
  19. dayaa

    God incarnate

    hello everyone in the old testament in the early stories God is spoken of as if He has human form.....God created man in his own image....God walking in the garden etc. then in christianity we have son of God (who is maybe also God himself). we have so many arguments between jews, christians and...
  20. dayaa

    Torah and Old Testament

    hello/shalom sorry nagging about the same point again but i'm not sure if i didn't understand the answer or maybe my question wasn't clear. i was not asking about the dates of the origins of the books....i was asking about physical books still in existence. i mean if you took your copy of the...