Not sure if that is an insult or compliment. Where he is a staunch Liberal I consider myself a more moderate conservative. As I said I am not sure how to take your question...
The majority of Christians do this as best we can. All said and done I think Christians still do more than Antagonists and Atheists. My opinion of course.
That would depend on whether you stay strictly within the doctrine of your religion. Sometimes one has to add common sense into the factor. I am Anglican for example, I follow the Anglican doctrine as close to the pulpit ( pardon the expression) as I can. Yet I have come to the understanding...
I wish I could buy into the random chance. Then I don't believe in luck either. Fantasyland would be more appropriate if we were talking in verbiage like Gun control will end violence.... I am sure if you search around a bit, you will find miracles have happened around the world. Those events...
Take a look at the founding Fathers of the United States and tell me what their religious beliefs were. Then look at our Constitution and tell me what the very first amendment reads. Though the United States may not be considered a Christian Nation by most any more I believe that our...
I think we must define truth. Your truth may not be my truth especially when faith and belief come to play. Since both tend to have a certain amount of mystery that cannot be seen, touched or heard. However observation leads to understanding, which leads to either tolerance and/or acceptance.
On the subject of miracles, Say a person is diagnosed with an inoperable tumor which a second opinion confirms. Being religious said person decides against any form of medical treatment and decides to rely on laying on of hands and prayer. This person returns to the doctor for a check-up two...
Well the Anglicans and Catholics both believe in Apostolic Procession, Both also practice confession ( regularly ) Both believe in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. I know that in both Churches we clearly hold relevance to the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. We believe in the Trinity...
Just curious? Do you still feel the same way about Protestants? Until the "Peaceful Muslims" take a more of a public stand against their extremist brethren, and take a greater stance with refugees and not depend on " The West" to take them, then I guess the view the West has towards them may to...
There are many more possible reasons for which the person either takes or leaves the wounded man. As there are many distinctions between Beauty and nobility. There are no concrete explanations for either.
Matthew Chapter 9: verse 6-8 indicates that Jesus Himself states that he has been given the authority to forgive together with healing as stated with the paralytic.
JJ as far as I know, this forum is open to all, and as for me good conversation has two elements. A view and an opposing view. I have been a Christian all my life and have seen and lived the dogma. Certain denominations do indeed carry that Fire and Brimstone stigma. Also, I think that some...
The Unitarians are another group in and of itself. I know a few Unitarians, and their beliefs are kind of strange to me. However I found that they were members of an obscure branch, yet call themselves Unitarian Universalists
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