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  1. J

    A Second Chance?

    Your guess is as good as mine. :confused:
  2. J

    A Second Chance?

    Hi, Aletheia. Good point. I'm told that the Greek (apothane [transliterated]) is third person aorist subjunctive, which would mean "even though he should have died." But the person I got this from also pointed out that "pisteuon" (the one believing) is present tense. So the sense seems to be...
  3. J

    Did Jesus exist?

    The Uniqueness of Jesus I maintain that the Jesus depicted in the Synoptic gospels is a sharply etched personality, and is unlikely to be some imagined amalgam of existing deities or myths, tho there are certainly mythic elements in the accounts. One reason I am a (sometimes) fan...
  4. J

    A Second Chance?

    Of course, he also said, "Let the dead bury the dead." But in support of your position is the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory--and maybe even the Hindu docrine of Karma. Of course, Catholics also believe in Hell, but the Jesuits maintain that we don't have to imagine anyone, even Judas, as...
  5. J

    Prayer church and state

    Isn't Peter stretching the truth here a bit, since it was the Romans who killed Jesus "by hanging him on a tree"?
  6. J

    Who wrote the Bible and in what order?

    Most scholars say Paul's letters in the 50s and 60s, then Mark, anywhere from 65 to 75, then Luke and Matt in the 80s, and John about 90.
  7. J

    Creationism Is Paganism, says Vatican Astronomer

    The early Church got along for many years without the Bible as we know it. About all they had that was in any way canonical was the OT.
  8. J

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Genesis 1:27 reads, "God created humans in his image. In the image of God he created them. Male and female he created them." Logically, then, God has to be male and female, since that's the way "he" created humans--in his image. Theologically, tho, God cannot be either male or female, since...
  9. J

    Should Paul be removed from the NT?

    Yes, Paul can be eloquent. And he is obviously sincere. I too am an admirer of most of his writing, though not all. One thing that makes him very human is his attitude toward the Jews, his own people. He must now reject the Jewish way of salvation--the works of the Law--but yet he can't...
  10. J

    Creationism Is Paganism, says Vatican Astronomer

    To me, at least, this makes sense.
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    Creationism Is Paganism, says Vatican Astronomer

    Literarily speaking, Chapters 2 & 3 are an imaginative, allegorical account of Creation. I don't believe they were ever intended to be taken as history, let alone science. But at bottom, Creationsism is compatible with the theory of evolution. As the Bishops have indicated, to say that God...
  12. J

    The Gospel According to Debbie (Humor)

    THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO DEBBIE by PAUL RUDNICK Issue of 2004-03-08 Posted 2004-03-08 Recent works like “The Passion of the Christ” and “The Da Vinci Code” seek to illuminate the life of Jesus. Not long ago, an additional text was discovered in an ancient linen backpack...
  13. J

    Capitalism and Traditional Values

    Good points made here. Bottom line: It's a dilemma. Lest it be thought that I'm anti-capitalist, let me say that I live a comfortable middle-class existence, due mainly to capitalism. Capitalsim is the goose that lays the golden eggs. From a worldly perspective, it may be the best economic...
  14. J

    Capitalism and Traditional Values

    Flow, I agree. Yes, Gates and Chavez (strange bedfellows!) are good examples. BTW, Gates' father campaigned AGAINST tax cuts for the rich. Capitalism is materialistic in its essence. It views people as consumers. Its mantra is "the bottom line." It's okay if it controlled, but the problem...
  15. J

    Hi - from Aletheia

    Hi, I'm John Green, aka Jeannot. Aletheia tipped me off about this board, and so here I am. I was raised and educated RC all the way, but lately have been attending, off and on, an Evangelical congregation, mainly because my son preaches there (and very powerfully, I might add). Despite this...
  16. J

    What Denomination Are You?

    Awww, you didn't have to do that!
  17. J

    What Denomination Are You?

    (In answer to your post to me) Maybe that's why Dante makes an ice lake the center of Hell.
  18. J

    What Denomination Are You?

    I know I posted this before, but it seems appropriate to a-Letheia. It's from Wm Brodrick's THE SIXTH LAMENTATION. In a discussion between a Jew, Solomon Lachaise, and a monk, Anselm. Lachaise says, "'When I was a boy, my mother used to say that hell was the painless place where everything...
  19. J


    Just to chip in as a latecomer, if I may. The whole duty of man is the worship of God--everything else is vanity by comparison. Things come and go; God remains (along with faith, hope, and charity). As Jesus said, You cannot serve God and Mammon (the world). And, Blessed are the pure in...
  20. J

    1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

    WWI was cataclysmic, in some respects more than WWII. For one thing WWI came after about a hundred years of relative peace--no major wars. People thought that economic competiton had replaced military. Also, WWI ended four empires--the German (Kaiser means Caesar), the Russian (Czar means...