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  1. path_of_one


    I suppose it is the opposite for me... I find the connection to the One (to the fabric of the All, God Herself)... then my own purpose is revealed a bit more. I cannot imagine having found any of my senses of purpose without the connection to this broader whole. I think of the reason for...
  2. path_of_one


    Why do we exist, collectively? As human beings, or beings in general- all of manifest reality... or just a sub-set of it? Or why do I exist, individually? Or what is our purpose collectively? Or my purpose, individually? In my belief, the reason or cause of my existence is a different...
  3. path_of_one


    You know... no one can answer these questions for you. You have to seek the answers within yourself. My husband and I (of 12 years) do not share the same beliefs and practices. But we share respect and we believe each of our paths is right for us individually. Were we to have children, they...
  4. path_of_one

    I believe the first interfaith marriage...

    Congrats to you both!!! :D
  5. path_of_one

    Lent, tis the season

    This year, I'm using it as a springboard to give up any meat that is not cage-free/free-range. I've always found Lent to be a good reminder to be mindful- to review our habits in thought and action, our intentions, and so forth... and to commit to permanent changes, using Lent as a religiously...
  6. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    I didn't leave Christianity for this reason (or any particular reason really), but rather just came to realize I was never exactly a fit. But I will say that this is one thing that was largely solved for me by being in a religion that treats symbols as dynamic and interactive. My work as a...
  7. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    What is your operationalization of "inherent noise" such that you can scientifically identify it? And why do you assume spirals are romantic? Spirals are a naturally occurring pattern throughout the cosmos. I attach no romanticism to it at all. It's just a pattern that occurs.
  8. path_of_one

    Living bravely.

    I am not sure what I think of the whole thing, except to be sad when I have the image of a dead coyote in my mind. I am not sure that one can be considered brave just for trying to survive. There is nothing remarkable about trying to survive- all beings do this instinctively, and it is a...
  9. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    OK- I will try to remember to bring it up again. There's a lot in this whole thing that fascinates me... it is very similar to my beliefs and yet is wholly unlike most of what I've heard out of Christianity. That's really quite interesting. I wonder why the soul would have bled away into...
  10. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    :) You may be rationalist, but you also assume quite a bit about how information works. Rationalism is grounded in its own potentially false assumptions- all human cognition is. The definition of soul is variable, so it is apparent that whatever people are recognizing, they are at least...
  11. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    I'm not sure, before Christian Romans came in around 400-500 AD. Well, wouldn't be entirely off, though Druids didn't necessarily incite revolt. The Celts covered, at one point, a huge swath of Europe from the UK all the way through France, parts of Germany and Czechoslovakia, etc. But they...
  12. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    Very interesting. I don't think the body and soul are dualist, exactly, though I must admit that my own experience has been more of a struggle to integrate the two. However, I must offer that this is not common in Pagans. It is distinctive to my own experience, the reasons for which I...
  13. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    No. My argument is all based in my own experience, and what to me is the most logical reasoning about this experience. Your mileage would vary considerably. Of course. But a strong argument and truth are not synonymous. A color-blind person could make a strong argument that red and...
  14. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    What is Eco-Paganism? How is it different from deep ecology or just plain 'ole Paganism? Curious...
  15. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    Absolutely. Of course, a worldview need not include religion, though religions usually include distinctive worldviews. Certainly, it is difficult in a way to fully classify some traditions of Druidry, for example, as religion. Lacking a common theology, doctrine, and so forth, yet sharing...
  16. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    Well, from a social scientist perspective, all religions are man-made. From my own belief, most religions are grounded in humans' attempt to express their experience of God, their ethics, and so forth. And to also paraphrase the Dalai Lama from In God's Name: "We need different religions...
  17. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    That is all fascinating. Will have to mull it over. Energetic frequency, as I mean it, is not so much a common nature as a specific purpose and essence. I suppose I should break this down... it's out of my own mystical experience and so it might be a bit difficult to put into language, but I...
  18. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    No problem- I do have resources (books, websites) if you want them.
  19. path_of_one

    Know yourself

    Can't say much except- yep. :)
  20. path_of_one

    Defining (a) Religion

    Sure! :) It's OK. I'm not that into PC. Basically, the problem is that the majority groups generally see subcultural minorities as "contrived" and after limited resources. However, tolerance, compassion, freedom to practice one's religion and have it recognized as valid, freedom from...