Actually Jesus can be both the Son of God and a human prophet because a Prophet is someone who speaks the word of God. Now who better to do this than God himself? Jesus has two natures one human and a divine one. Thus it is very easy to see that Jesus is a Prophet (one who speaks the word of...
Rasifnajeeb your biggest problem is that you’re looking at this through Protestant eyes. I would agree with you. Armed only with the bible most theological doctrines don't make any sense and there is very little evidence to believe many of them that is why Protestant Theology makes no sense...
These quotes are figurative saying God has adopted these people as his own and rule/loves/care/chastises them as a father would. One of the parts of the trinity is God the father. He is their father just like he is all of their fathers. Mary was actually impregnated by the Holy Spirit without...
I agree with most although I think that they hold a general knowledge that can be applied to many occasions if you know what the original circumstances where. I think that a majority of his teachings are corrupted by most Christians Just like Augustine’s where corrupted by Calvin. (Calvin used...
I've never heard that Paul’s epistles where written much later. Many of them weren’t written directly by Paul but I've heard that that is because early scribes would take note of the letters he wished them to write because He gave a lot of information and then would rewrite it in their own...
"Benevolence enjoys everybody's good things, while selfishness is too busy being envious at the good things of others to even enjoy its own." ~Charles Finney
Ok then but isn't the slope of a vertical line infinity, or is my friend’s Geometry teacher making things up (wouldn't surprise me;)), and it is also -1/0 so I assumed they could be one in the same. Sorry. But If it's undefined then why in algebra when you see X^0 you assume it's 1. What if X...
I'm sorry I haven't read them but I plan to. I'd just like to point out that the books are meant to be fiction. Also in the Da vinci code most of his facts are wrong and the whole premiss of the book is based on a group that was found out to be a hoax a few year ago. I think he is a great writer...
Why does infinity times 0 = 1 I realize the two are inverse and that when you multiply inverse they equal one but still no mater what rate you increase something even if never stop increasing it if you start with nothing you'll end up with nothing.
This concept is beyond me. Can anyone explain?
Re: What if you where is space?
Well what if earth was up? Would you face up? I realize that a shuttle is weight less so you could just position yourself that way. And like you said I guess to Muslims it doesn't really matter. But let’s say you where on the dark side of the moon. And you...
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