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  1. L


    dictionary ? From Louis.. Thanks, but I've tried dictionarys and listened to real atheists and agnostics and I'm still puzzled. All the atheists I've ever encountered were definitely OPPOSED to God - not impartial like myself. It's as if they really suspect there might BE a God and...
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    The Two Truths

    truths relative or worldly truth (samvriti satya) is the manner in which we enter the door of practice. we recognize the presence of happiness and the presence of suffering, and we try to go in the direction of increased happiness. every day we go a little further in that direction, and one day...
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    Truth with a capital T

    thinking it From Louis... I did a lot of puzzling about your reply..... Surely you are not suggesting that reality does not exist unless we are there to think about it ??? Our "thinking" consists only of our PERCEPTION of of reality - we never know how close we come to ACTUAL reality...
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    From Louis... You seem to be saying : We reap what we sew which is really just more common sense. "Good" behaviour or actions which promote harmony, comfort and peace make more sense than actions which cause pain, discord and destruction. Surely no one needs divine help to figure that...
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    God versus Satan

    hurt He doesn't do it out of Spite. He does it to hurt GOd. Since he is not in Heaven anymore, He can't war the way he did before, so now he is attacking where God hurts the most, where He has invested so much love (God is love), Humanity. From Louis... How can God be "hurt" ? What do you...
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    Spiritual fascism

    sin From Louis... As an outsider to all religion, I don't really understand "sin" either. According to an encyclopedia, the word "sin" comes from the root word "sunder", as in "put asunder" or "break apart". Thus "to sin" means CHOOSING to break apart from a pre-established set of...
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    divine inspiration

    trust For example, people who believe that there is no spirit world, and that the natural world is all that exists have substituted what they believe for what can be trusted. Science does no better job of explaining the origins of life than any religion has done of explaining the origin of God...
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    From Louis... I would like some clear definitions of lables such as : Agnostic, Atheist, Rationalist, etc. All I know so far comes from one page in a Roman Catholic encyclopedia. Their definitions were not very clear ( and partly in Latin, which I don't understand ). "Rationalist"...
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    Spiritual fascism

    opinions Also, Is not anyone stating their opinion trying to impose it on others? Could you elaborate? From Louis... Let me elaborate... I sometimes state opinions here, but always point out that they are only the WAY THINGS APPEAR from my position as an impartial obsever . My purpose...
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    [I realize there are those who believe humanity can be moral towards each other without "religion", yet I feel that religion serves the purpose of instilling morality. In the absence of religion, there is no genuine cause or need for morality, or at least the outward appearance of morality...
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    But one thing I do know about God's mercy is this: if you'll accept it, he limited our lives from hundreds of years to less than one hundred years (usually), which saves us all centuries of suffering. From Louis... Forgive my ignorance of religeous dogma, but upon what do you base this idea...
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    Directory: taking ideas

    From Louis.... Maybe this sounds a bit juvenile to experienced believers, but I would really like to see a glossary of religeous terminology - common expressions used by people of different churches with clear descriptions just what they mean. For example, the Catholic term...
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    Fundamentalist Christianity

    know nothings From Louis... I've noticed the same thing about many "believers" .... There seems to be a large class of church-goers who have learned to go through religeous motions by imitating their family and friends -for the same reason they learn a manner of speech or dress - in...
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    discipline From Louis... Personaly. I think your forum strikes a nice balance between freedom and restraint. As an objective observer myself, I've noticed that BELIEVERS are anything BUT objective - they all have a deep emotional bond with the ideas they hold dear and sooner or later...
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    Is God omniscient or limited?

    pantheism From Louis... First time I'v seen "pantheism" mentioned here... I've always thought that idea was a good way to explain "creation". As I understand "creation", it means to make something from NOTHING - which makes no sense to me at all. Being cannot come from Non-being ...
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    customizing From Louis .... That's an appropriate phrase - "customising our reality" . I have long suspected that is what all religion is about - imagining things we would LIKE to be true , then treating those things as if they were ACTUALY true - "wishful thinking" -...
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    mercy, continued From Louis... First, let me welcome you all back on line... Here's a wierd thought about "mercy" .... When God was working out his design for life on this planet, he was free to make it any way he wanted. He designed PLANT life to maintain itself by taking inanimate...
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    Fundamentalist Christianity

    outsider From Louis... I would like to hear some of your questions because they may be similar to my own. First let me point out that I am just an impartial observer - an ousider who has never practised ANY form of religion. Although I grew up among Christians ( mostly Roman Catholics...
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    What is "morality"?

    hard wired From Louis.... I merely wish to point out that not all of us are "hard wired" to fit into groups. For example, an AUTISTIC child is "hard wired" to think he's the only sentient being in existence - he experiences everything around him as just OBJECTS. I'm not quite autistic...