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  1. shunyadragon

    Whats Your Religion? (An Interfaith Dialogue)

    Syam: Your last post had odd formating and was difficult to respond to. I will do this one section at a time. Yes. First Revelation 'through the minds of humans' does not change nor influence the scripture Revelation itself. Over time the positive spiritual change in the world, inspiration...
  2. shunyadragon

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    IF Islam is not out of date and meets the needs of the world today explain this: (From Dec 2013) They are all countries governed by Islam in some major way.
  3. shunyadragon

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    If Judaism is not 'out of date' why be a Christian? Judaism is more tried and true? than Christianity.
  4. shunyadragon

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    No meaningful response. Your stereotyping a religion based on the fallible statements of an individual. Bad strategy, nonetheless your statement This reflects more the Baha'i view than anything in traditional Christianity.
  5. shunyadragon

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    They are referenced facts unless you can provide a reliable reference the above is nothing. I gave a reference and you challenged me and offer nothing in response. What about Judaism and the Old Testament? Why would it be necessary for a Jew to become a Muslim? Still waiting . . .
  6. shunyadragon

    God is with form or without form?

    I agree, and this is the Baha'i view of God. Part of the problem is individual religions and church differ in how they define God with and without form (ego), and these contradictions reflect the human view of God, and negate the universal nature of God and God's relationship with humanity and...
  7. shunyadragon

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    This actually reflects more the Baha'i view than anything in traditional Christianity.
  8. shunyadragon

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    I believe you are presenting too much of a 'one-sided' argument on the responsibility of the consequences of belief. You line scapegoats atheists, and does not realistically take responsibility of theists in the violence and wars in the cause of religious beliefs. In the arguments of apologists...
  9. shunyadragon

    Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

    Actually no, IF there is a God of Buddhism it is the undefined unknown apophatic 'Source' (the shunya) of everything to which everything must return, possibly equivalent to Brahman. The many God(s) of the Abrahamic beliefs and Vedic beliefs do not exist.
  10. shunyadragon

    What are modern religions?

    . . . because it is simply a variation of Buddhism still following the basic tenants of Buddhism, of which there are many.
  11. shunyadragon

    It worked this time! Enjoy!

    It worked this time! Enjoy!
  12. shunyadragon

    Behold! A cup of Tea. Behold! The Tea. Verdant living Jade River In fog shrouded fields of Tea...

    Behold! A cup of Tea. Behold! The Tea. Verdant living Jade River In fog shrouded fields of Tea. Moss framed temple reflected. Behold! The cup Reflecting variegated rocky slopes, Embracing the living waters of the soul Sheltered in the temple from above. Behold! Slowly sipping the Tea. Verdant...
  13. shunyadragon

    There is a poem I will post in a poetry thread, Behold A cup of Tea that I wrote I thought you...

    There is a poem I will post in a poetry thread, Behold A cup of Tea that I wrote I thought you may like. They do not allow more than 420 characters here.
  14. shunyadragon

    God and the Illogical

    Considering the fact that humans logically justify a diverse, even conflicting views God, and even no God, therefore no, human logical understanding of God is flawed, and highly influenced by the culture and religion they were raised in or choose to believe. Considering this fallible...
  15. shunyadragon

    God and the Illogical

    The nature of God, if God exists, would omnipotent, all-powerful and all-wise. Also all of Creation would reflect the attributes and nature of God, without contradictions. God would have power over everything, therefore Creation is as God intended, and God Created humans as evolved naturally...
  16. shunyadragon

    Your calling.

    To seek the universal without preconditions and as little bias as possible.
  17. shunyadragon

    What are modern religions?

    I would not consider Won Buddhism a new religion, but a recent variation of Buddhism.
  18. shunyadragon

    What are modern religions?

    The Baha'i Faith and Unitarian Universalists.
  19. shunyadragon

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    First, you need to get you facts straight before you make your dump! Second, the bottom line they were not repatriated! . . . and no, there is no longer a significant population of Jews in Egypt. This source details the history of the Jews progressive expulsion from Egypt from the 1920's up to...
  20. shunyadragon

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    error in posting