Highlighted above is problematic. The fact that beliefs provide meaning and solace is the last reason I would consider meaningful in believing any religion. This is a form of dependency or maybe co-dependency that would be problematic in all religions regardless. I will challenge all religious...
What your references clearly indicate is the growing schism in Christianity where on the conservative side, the literal interpretation is believed based on scripture and the dominant view of the church fathers, and the implications of the literal interpretation of Genesis (which varies, but...
Of course it will not go away as long as many if not most Christians still have reason to reject science based on their sincere understanding of scripture and the beliefs of the NT authors and church fathers.
Many do try to put it to bed, but they are simply putting under the pillow and...
Passing the Buck, and dealing directly with the problems of ancient religions with rigid unchanging doctrines and dogmas wedded to the past.
Yes Greek myths as well as the myths of ancient cultures like those in the Bible are a marvelous collection of lessons in human psychology and are as...
Again, to a certain extent I agree, but I also object to generalization here highlighted. You are also arguing from the perspective of the fallacy of 'arguing for popularity. The fact that there are billions of religious adherents who find great meaning and solace in their religious beliefs...
This argument has questionable merit, and has led many Intelligent Design advocates to try and force the evidence in the objective nature of our physical existence to be evidence for the existence of God. There is problem with how Thomas Aquinas viewed the definitions of objective and subjective...
So what!?!?!? This does not remotely address the problems I presented concerning the problems of basing doctrines and dogmas of a religion on ancient myths. I fully acknowledge the ancient world did possess wisdom and empirical knowledge, and again that is not the issue you are side stepping and...
In claiming Augustine is an exception you have not responded to this reference, which is clear that Augustine believed in a literal Genesis concerning the time issue. The exception is he believed Creation took place in one day or probably in an instant.
I gave sufficient citations that Augustine was not an exception, but gave allegorical meanings as well as literal, with an emphasis of the timeless nature of God, and Creation was a single event in time.
By the time of Calvin the sun was not the center of the universe, and the facts of...
I believe this is an unfounded generalization concerning what scientists believe outside their disciplines in science.
There is a genuine search for the theory of 'everything' using physics and math, but that is not the preoccupation of most scientists.
Sam Harris and Dawkins are indeed...
This post does not really respond to anything constructive. I believe the problems presented more that just 'telling what's wrong with Christianity and the Roman Church. Later day revisionism to try and make Christianity fit an every changing world with a religion and churches that do not change...
The Baha'i Faith does not consider the Quran misunderstood. Like the Torah in it's time, and the New Testament in its time, they were Revelations for their day and time. What was Revealed in the Baha'i writings were Spiritual Laws and teachings for the modern world after 1844. There were...
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