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    Thomas wrote: Realise that if the Emperor had 'state' control of the Christian church, then the Arian controversy would never have happened. Dear Thomas, By control, that would in the case of the "Arian" controversy, be the fact that Constantine convened the Council of Nicea at the location of...
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    Who wrote the gospels?

    Dear god, Does it really matter if a historian named Luke wrote Luke or someone named Mark wrote Mark? You still need to have a guide post to evaluate the content. If you want to use the O.T. as a guide post, then you might listen to what it says on the matter. Dt. 19:15 & Mt 18:16 both say, "A...
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    Constantine did several things, and mostly to consolidate his power structure. First of all, as Pontifex Maximus, head of the pagan church, as well as ruler of the combined Eastern and Western empire, he decreed in 321 A.D. that the day of rest would be on "the day of the sun", which is Sunday...
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    The Soul

    Dear Donna, It seem like you are walking with Timothy Leary. To find what a soul actually is, it is best to view what the bible says. Gen 2:7," Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul". A soul is...
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    Different Christian perspectives

    Dear Dream, The protestants believe that "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." is the rock the church is built on. The Catholics believe that "you are Peter (little rock), and upon this rock I will build My church". Of course, as usual, they are both wrong. The "rock" the church is...
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    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    Dear Donna, You need to slow down and smell the roses. My quote was to do unto others as you would have them do to you, which is not the same as your quote, which is "do unto others as they do to you". My quote is the summation of the commandments. Your quote is more in line of that of a...
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    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    Dear Aup, I can see how you believe that the supposed "God" of "Christianity" saves the unworthy.(Romans 5:18) The problem with your supposition is that the "Christianity" that believes the false gospel of Paul, and his gospel of Grace, is not related to those who choose to actually follow the...
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    Must We Confess Our Sin Dailly ?

    Lord's prayer Dear Gen, In the first place, one who is "born again" does not sin daily(1 John 3:6) As for how one is to pray, you might look at Mt 6:8-14. whereas your sins are forgiving as you have forgiven those who sinned against you.
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    Donna wrote: A being that is totally love. Mind body and soul. That is Christmas. Its what we all really are. Dear Donna, Christmas is actually a tradition of men, based on the birthday of Mithras, and Nimrod, and fashioned after the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is celebrated with...
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    Jesus and the bride

    Dear Donna, I am Sorry I asked. I am dizzy from all the lights.
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Thomas wrote: To me Paul always speaks in the Spirit of God "not in the learned words of human wisdom; but in the doctrine of the Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual" (1 Corinthians 2:13). Dear Thomas, You quote an epistle of Paul, in which Paul presents himself as an apostle...
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    Jesus and the bride

    Dear Donna, My phasing wasn't that "we are all interconnected". I was referring to the "body of Christ" so to speak, whereas the children of God, those who do the will of God, are of that one body. As for a split between man and woman after the "fall". Not so. A husband and wife, who are both...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Thomas wrote: It's Paul's writings that open up the mystical and spiritual dimension of the teaching. It's from Paul that the language and lexicon derives. It's Paul who insists that if we discard the very stuff you insist should be discarded, then we're left with nothing at all, but hope in...
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    Jesus and the bride

    It is a comparison between and husband and wife, whereas they become one flesh. The church, becomes one with Yeshua, and therefore the church members become one with each other. The parallel aspect of Yeshua being the head of the church will not be received well by our modern women libbers, so...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Wil, You have to have a point you are trying to make. I just couldn't figure out what it was. My point is that Yeshua's teaching was that he was the "bread of life", such as he was the Word made flesh, whereas you must consume that unleavened bread, such that it must be without double minded...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    To Donnan, The Enlish version of Yeshua is Joshua. What ever English version you pick, it has existed for less than 500 years, and the people before that time didn't need the name "Jesus" to be saved or be perfected or to get to work on time. The name didn't exist, yet the true church of God...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    There was no letter "J" until the 1600s. Therefore there was no one named "Jesus", in the 1st century. The fact that you think that you can be "saved" by the name of "Jesus", can be derived from the traditions of the Roman church and her daughters, but then again, the traditions of men are...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Paul's teaches a lawlessness, in as much as he thinks he is not under the law. Whereas Yeshua teaches you must keep the commandment, and the summation of those commandments being to do to others as you would have them do to you. Paul teaches that he really isn't the one sinning but the evil...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    You misquoted me. I did not say that the kingdom of god is within all of us. I said the kingdom of god is within. There are children of hell, as well as children of God. It depends on whether one does the will of God or the will of the devil. As for miracles, as stated by Yeshua in Matthew...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    What is your point? Is it that you need the dead witness of Paul, to be your teacher, or that what John said about not needing a teacher is false. And if it is false, what good is having the Spirit of God within, and not being able to access the revelations of God which that would entail? Or are...