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  1. J

    dialogue sparked by Dawkins' Delusion

    I'm an atheist. I do as I damn well please. It damn well pleases me to behave in an ethical fashion. Atheists, in my experience, are no more likely to succumb to fatalism than theists. I believe we are moral for the same reasons.
  2. J

    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    I personally hope I am wrong, and if anyone's right it is someone who believes in a truly benevolent, all knowing, creative entity. I like to think that if I'm wrong I could get the answers to questions that I missed or misunderstood.
  3. J

    The Advantage of Being an Athiest

    I agree. I consider myself an agnostic atheist (perhaps ignostic igtheist is a better description). I certainly do not know that the God concept (whatever it is to a given theist) is not an accurate reflection of reality. If it is a supernatural concept I submit that I cannot know (and neither...
  4. J

    Charles Darwin goes online

    Aint it grand?! We still have excuses to try and sate our curiosity. :D
  5. J

    Have we truly escaped???

    I suppose that depends on what I'm expected to believe. God is so vague a word that it is useless at times. Say a god wanted to convince me it created the universe, it could pop in and show me how it did so. I'd be happy to accept the appearence of new star systems relatively nearby as good...
  6. J

    Fallacy is a bad word

    In Paladin's thread he noted the continual flouting of logical rules that can be seen on any board. Is part of the problem perhaps that calling people people on their fallacious reasoning doesn't often go down too well? For example, in the past I've remarked that a post aimed at me contained...
  7. J


    Well, I'm a sceptical person, but I'll take a look at the book if I ever encounter it. Thanks.
  8. J


    Does the book provide references to these studies? I'm sure it makes for interesting reading, but I would advise you to look at such claims with some degree of skepticism.
  9. J

    The Rush To Be Right

    :o I've got the sacrificial altar, and I'm afraid that I use it far too often. I've also got the beads, the idols, and an entire library of evokations (*coughs*quotations*coughs*). I'd give it up to the gods of fair and reasoned debate, but the bugger keeps following me around.
  10. J

    Have we truly escaped???

    I don't claim this. I claim that evolution shows how we can get humans without deities. The same way germ theory shows how we can get disease without evil spirits. It does not rule out the existence of spirits or even perhaps rule out the partcipation in some unseen way of spirits in making...
  11. J

    rescuing rhetoric

    Thanks for the link. ;)
  12. J


    Spirituality is a term I don't get. I don't follow the exlplanations and fail to understand the descriptions. Now, I am aware that I have been ignorant in my life without knowing it, and sometime hateful without realising it so I must admit that it is feasible for me to be spiritual without...
  13. J

    Which comes first???

    Hi Christine, my honest feelings in regrads to your questions; a) Is being spiritual something we recall; or: is it something we Learn as we travel through life? I don't know what being spiritual entails. Spirituality is a word I see often and a word people often use to describe...
  14. J

    WHAT IS lOVE???

    In as far as the question is meaningful I think 'it's a sensation' is possibly the only answer I can find that satisfies me. You got better?
  15. J

    rescuing rhetoric

    In ethical or aesthetic discussions the pertinent infromation takes primacy for me. If I'm well informed, the facts will change the other person's mind. If I'm not, the facts will usually help change mine. If all the pertinent facts are exhausted and there is no agreement, I usually don't care...
  16. J

    Have we truly escaped???

    I suppose you're substantially correct, we only tend to disbelieve what we can cognitively grasp.
  17. J

    Have we truly escaped???

    No. It is evidence that you can get humans and other wonderful varieties of life without gods. Whatever they are. This is asked (tiringly) often. It strikes me as something expected only by a more juvenile theist. We're not really looking for evidence to be honest. God/Gods/whatever are normally...
  18. J

    Glad to be veggie

    Hey Mark. How important are these? I've been a vegetarian since two weeks after my 19th birthday (I'm 22) and I've never taken supplements. :o
  19. J

    Heart vs Mind as the seat of Reason

    Fair enough, I don't know to be honest.
  20. J

    Heart vs Mind as the seat of Reason

    Who? Why? I would be surprised if there wasn't.