Search results

  1. A

    "Spiritual but not religious"

    Perhaps folks are feeling about for meaning...perhaps the Old Ways have lost meaning, and become rote, ossified, but folks cling to them as a refuge from the Abyss. To me, the big, organised religions have lost whatever it was that made them a refuge in the first place...taken over by Worldly...
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    Just arrived...

    Thanks, all...I fear i've become somewhat strident in my opposition to the Christo-Fascistic tendancies I see all around me...esp. these last 8 years. I figger it's more of a political thing, than a religious. Hope so. In my youth, I went to all manner of Church/Temple/etc., and talked w/ anyone...
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    Is the bible without error?

    I think the Bible has been "filtered" through so many anonymous humans, of mostly unknown motivations,education, etc....that to think it's somehow inerrant and w/out fault, is to invite exactly the kind of horribleness we see in the world today. It, for one thing, removes the need/value...
  4. A

    Just arrived...

    Howdy, All. Pointed here by Lorel, over at Dark Age Blog... Interested in the stated mission, and intrigued bywhat I've read in the general articles... I'll admit, right up front, that I have a bit of a problem with Christianity, the Fundamentalist kind, that I run in rural Texas. I...