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  1. S

    Religious Pluralism & Trinity

    I’m in the midst of writing a book on Religious Pluralism and the Trinity Absolute. A summary and copies of the draft are available, but it has not been published yet and is still a “work-in-progress.” Constructive criticism from members of this forum would be very much appreciated. My thesis...
  2. S

    Moral Argument for the Existence of God

    Kant’s moral argument may be stated quite simply: God is not directly apparent in the phenomenal material world, but may exist in a noumenal spiritual realm. Since humans can ‘know’ nothing directly about the noumenal realm, the existence of God cannot be ‘proven’ beyond a doubt. However, to...
  3. S

    Religious Pluralism & Trinity

    If you are interested in some new ideas on religious pluralism and the Trinity, please give me your thoughts on improving the content and presentation of this summary. My thesis is that an abstract version of the Trinity could be Christianity’s answer to the world need for a framework of...