Hello All,
As the title says.
Do you believe in fate?
There are not many things I believe in anymore but I do believe our lives are pre-destined. Many times I have thought, what if I had done something differently, would my life be as happy as it is now?
You should always look forward...
I think that far too many people interpret their religious texts too closely, maybe they should see it in context of the world today not beliefs that were laid down centuries, in some cases millenia ago.
Try this instead, looks like Brian goofed the link up. ;)
Ok i started to read the article, but before I can continue to read it what is c.e. after the dates?
I'm used to seeing bc and ad.
I think its more of a case being so far detached from religion for so many years, I don't know what to believe in anymore.
I was sort of asking for myself, not a way of asking permission to try other religions, I'm using this thread as a an opinion generation tool to see what other people...
Oh dear, I'm not normal then, it is very difficult for me to get addicted to anything. I seem to be contradicting what I said earlier, I would say that once my internet usage was bordering on an addiction.
I only get phone calls from my mum most of my conversations now take place via e-mail...
Oh no, not him again! I hear you cry.
As the title says, is it right to "try" other religions until you find one that bests suits your person beliefs and lifestyle?
This is sort of a follow on from the religion/social thread I posted.
I haven't been to church for several years and haven't really seriously studied a bible since I was 14.
I put this down to discovering other things in life, like going out and enjoying yourself.
Maybe re-discovering religion will mellow out my angry moods towards others.
Has anyone else...
This is the point where Brian loses all of his members:
This is isn't a recent picture, I'm a lot fatter than that now up until last week, I hadn't had my haircut for 8 months, even then my new haircut isn't as drastic in that one. :)
Why do many countries use religion as an excuse for war?
It is far too easy in today's society to say "Im doing it in the name of religion."
So using religion as an excuse means it is okay to perpertrate some of the most heinous atrocities on the planet?
What do you think?
Has anyone else visited this site before?
I have only skimmed through it, but I am going to take a closer look when I am in a chilled out frame of mind.
I am not as bad as I used to be, I have the headaches as a reality check, to tell me its time to get off. :)
Being bad? I suppose it is the same with any addiction to a certain degree it can be bad for you.
I think it is better to leave the limit as it is, It makes a long post far easier to read if it is broken up into smaller parts. I tend to skim through posts that are quite long. Maybe I should learn to relax and slow down more. :)
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