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  1. A

    Sunni vs Shi'a

    Practically the same except for two lines. I've experienced this. It took me a moment or two to figure out how to follow. Doesn't have to be from Karbala. Shias believe in prostrating on the ground/earth, and not on a carpet, hence the use of clay when carpets are commonly found in masjids...
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    death is swallowed up

    I understand you now Blazn. Thanks. Maybe scriptures aren't there to be unsealed by men, but by the events as they unfold around us.
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    death is swallowed up

    Does claiming a date constitute a prophecy? There are many prophecies in the Bible that God has sealed - and each one of them will be unsealed in due course. So, if a person, or an organisation thinks they have "unsealed" one of the Bible's many prophecies... only to discover that they may not...
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    Ancient egyptians jews?

    Well, 400+ years of slavery is going to produce some pretty skilled craftsmen. ;)
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    death is swallowed up

    Of course. Though I'm pretty sure that any incorrect interpretions of the past (those which have been realised anyway) have already been dropped and replaced with something else... the JWs won't need to change their position on 1914 until the year 2034, when all of the generation that saw 1914...
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    death is swallowed up

    They obviously don't see them as false prophecies... just incorrect "interpretations" of Bible prophecies. Part of the learning process - can YOU faultlessly interpret ALL the prophecies in the Bible? True. True. He doesn't "choose" to deny truth. He obviously "believes" that he HAS...
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    death is swallowed up

    How then do you understand the number of 144,000? Is it a literal number or a symbolic number? I think you'll find that the JWs will agree with you in that God's people will be with him forever. They just see a two groups of people fulfilling two functional capacities - the little crowd...
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    death is swallowed up

    Ok, I'm beginning to understand you now Silas. So this new Heaven AND new Earth are one and the same place? Just like Heaven and Paradise are one and the same place... You see, the JW position is that the residents of the New Heaven or New Jerusalem will be the 144,000 ruling as kings...
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    death is swallowed up

    I'm having some sticking-points here with you, I know you're trying, so I'll return the favour... Paradise is Biblical. Heaven is Biblical. What is the difference between the two? I have been of the opinion that they are separate places, are you telling me that they are one and the same...
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    death is swallowed up

    Tell me Terrence, are Paradise and Heaven two different places, or are they the same place? Why then Terrence did God put Adam and Eve in Eden? Can not God's will be done on Earth also as in Heaven? Good. But if God puts you in Paradise will you be grateful or ungrateful? None of us...
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    death is swallowed up

    So if God was in Paradise with Adam, what then is stopping him from being in Paradise with those he chooses to put there? What Bible verse is that? Anyway, I ask again why does it suck? In fact I'll rephrase... If God chooses to put some people in Paradise, why does it suck? Shouldn't...
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    death is swallowed up

    Was God there in paradise with Adam? Why does it suck? Nope, his plans have just been put on hold while he settles his bet with Satan. The reason God will put people in Paradise is so he can carry out his original plan for the Earth. Doesn't God know all?
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    Is humanity less than 10,00 years old?

    I'd vote if there was an option for 'both' ;)
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    Christianity used as a tool of oppression?

    The question was answered in post #2, that was sufficient. There is not a single verse in the new testament which any Christian can use to justify man comitting atrocities against his fellow man. Not a single word spoken by Jesus or the apostles ever encouraged the use of violence. Yet we still...
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    Adam to Jesus 4000 years?

    If I remember correctly, these scientific dating methods rely on using the speed of light c as a constant, however... There is evidence to suggest that the speed of light has changed over time, therefore any equation using the speed of light as a constant is going to yield suspect results. :eek:
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    Christianity used as a tool of oppression?

    Yes, and these things are done when people ignore scripture... says more about the individual than the religion as a whole. When an injustice is comitted in the name of Christianity, it is actually done by disobeying a direct order from Jesus.... However, there are other worldly traditions...
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    If You Were God Part I: The Time to Come

    I would like to let humans eat also from the tree of life. In the beginning Adam and Eve had the choice - it was one or the other. This time I'd let people pick both. I would like humans to have one language. I'm not going to force a particular language on anyone, just "make it so" that...
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    Is I, Brian being disrespectable towards the Baha'i Faith?

    Re: Is I, Brian being disrespectful towards the Baha'i Faith? Ok, I'm not a Baha'i but... Judaism, Christianity and Islam have an entirely levantine/semitic prophetic heritage. And Abraham was the traditional progenitor of the people who established these faiths. You could even say these...
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Re: How do the Christians explain this away? I loved this little snippet of wisdom, the following verses come to mind;