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  1. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    How true...and to think that we are all, just tiny energy bubbles within a larger energy bubble called Earth, which is a small bubble within the universe...and we, intellectual mankind, create our own problems and wars..and kill our own brothers.:confused:
  2. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Re: well May I assume that Islam subscribes to religious rationality? ... a tenet of spiritual transcendence that asserts that truthfulness and rationality in religions are truths that can be substantiated by science or those that can not be proven to be incorrect. It dictates that spiritual...
  3. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Greetings mrgnash, Due to time constraints, I will answer later...but please see my postings #111 & #114 at Namaste, Kurt
  4. kkawohl

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Esteemed Mohsin, I stated, "The Holy Books" were written according to man's fallible mind interpretations of their spiritual interactions with the Spirit of God & because of that, "intelligent" people do not take these writings literally”. When religions are used as a force for shaping and...
  5. kkawohl

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    The Qur'an, Bible, Torah and ALL "Holy Books" were written according to man's fallible mind interpretations of their spiritual interactions with the Spirit of God & because of that, "intelligent" people do not take these writings literally. Allah/God is not restricted by man's fallible...
  6. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Yes, but sadly, probably not during our lifetime.
  7. kkawohl

    Religions as a scam

    Re: someting might be a scam Intellectualism is a doctrine which holds that pure reason is the source of knowledge. Indeed, the future looks bright...woe be the present.
  8. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Vajradhara & Avinash, Enlightenment is the translation of the Sanskrit word “bodhi” which literally means “awakening” or “supreme knowledge”. In Buddhism it is achieved by following the “Eight-fold path” and constitutes freedom from all desires. Enlightenment gives the person who achieves it...
  9. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Let those who wish to wear tin hats walk amongst the tin hat wearers; there they will be least obtrusive. Enlightenment is a state of intellectual or spiritual awareness, the process of this spiritual awareness is translated by the mind. An aural experience is the mind's interpretation of...
  10. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    I would say "any voices", whether from heaven or elsewhere, should be ignored unless one physically sees the speaker. Spiritual interaction is only possible via our spirit; this is then often tranlated by a conditioned fallible mind.
  11. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    I agree...and when constructively used, true spirituality rather than religious dogma should be the core of all religious ideology. Einstein said, "Although it is true that it is the goal of science to discover (the) rules which permit the association and foretelling of facts, this is not its...
  12. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Brian, When religions are used as a force for shaping and manipulating society it does not mean that its spiritual and altruistic effects are negated but it nevertheless is a manipulation of the masses for selfish or political reasons. Attempts at controlling society by using God as an...
  13. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    The interpretation of the meaning of Allah is not mine; it is from the Babylon dictionary...true, ALL names of people or a deity are man-made. The value of faith and philosophy should not be negated...except when misguided faith or philosophy leads to strife...then man, not a deity, bears the...
  14. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

  15. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Incorrect. Man's mind may contain the byproduct of schooling. There is no god but Al'Lah? Hebrew word:''eloah" The pre-Moslem Arabic patron of Mecca, the god Hobal called Al-lahu (the god), was retained as the supreme god in Moslem theology; the other gods were transformed into demons. The...
  16. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    A slight jest....only nuts belong in a nutshell....a stab at rationality? Schools are a product of man.
  17. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Brian, In order to intelligently appreciate something there has to be complete truth. Only when the truth behind the concept is known can one accurately judge the concept. Spirituality is an interaction of man’s spirit with the Spirit of God. This interaction was often expanded upon by...
  18. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Any religion that preaches exclusivity (Christianity & Islam) is a breeding ground for religious radicals. Judaism doesn't preach exclusivity but also promotes religious radicalism; they originated a monotheistic God who is domineering and requires obeyance and worship. A true God is...
  19. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Churches in the US are very influential with the Republican Party. Also vast amounts of monetary donations from elder Christians who believe that their money will sustain their beliefs, keeps religious radicalism alive. P. S. - Paramashiva Purus'ottamah vishvasya kendram.- The Supreme...
  20. kkawohl

    What is the future of Islam?

    Tantric practices in Islam? My understanding is that Tantra is Hindu or Buddhist literature written in Sanskrit on ritualistic acts and ceremonial worship, and Tantric is of or pertaining to a Hindu or Buddhist Tantra. Or do you mean the adjective form of tantra that is sometimes employed to one...